AFTERbarely sponging off the worst of the sweat in the locker room, Dakota joined Simon and they went to his car. Unlike the men, she couldn’t use the shower room at the gym. It was a big open space with no privacy.
Of course, the guys always volunteered to wash her back—not that she’d tell Simon that. Somehow she didn’t think he’d appreciate their humor.
“What’s all this?” His backseat overflowed with shipped boxes.
“Freebies. You might want some of it. There are some energy drinks and bars, shorts and towels. A new type of razor, too.” Grinning, Simon ran a hand over his clean-shaven head before fastening his seat belt. “They’ll be sponsoring me in exchange for a few ads.”
After Dakota latched her belt, too, Simon started the car and left the gym parking lot, saying, “That other box, the one near the door, is filled with SBC T-shirts and sweatshirts. I figured with your fondness for printed tops, you could make use of them.”
The way he said it with so much nonchalance gave him away. “You mean instead of the shirts that Barber gives me?”
His possessiveness thrilled her. He wasn’t overbearing with it, and he never tried to bully her. It just…showed that he cared. And that never ceased to amaze her. Dakota stared at him, and smiled.
Afternoon sunlight limned his profile, highlighting the straight line of his nose, the sensual curve of his mouth, his strong chin and firm jaw. “You’re too handsome, Simon, do you know that?”
His grin flickered. He lowered the visor to block some of the sun. “I’m glad you think so.”
“Don’t be modest. It’s true. You’re like…better than good-looking.” She shook her head. “It’s unnerving. And almost scary.”
His concern only baffled her more. She was an okay-looking woman. Not a hag, but not a real beauty, either. She had a strong figure, not a supersexy bod. In almost every way, she rated average. Simon was so above average that she didn’t even know what to call it.
And he wanted her.
“Not that kind of scary.” She pulled at her sweat-soaked top. “Look at me. At my best, I’m no match for you. And right now, I’m bordering on gross.”
Without smiling, without a word, Simon reached out a hand to her. When she took it, he carried it to his lap and pressed her palm to his growing erection. “Whatever you are, Dakota, I like it. A lot. I can’t recall ever wanting a woman as much as I want you.”
His bold honesty had her heart beating double time. She started to curl her fingers around him, but he returned her hand to her side of the car. “None of that or I won’t make it to the motel, and you definitely won’t get your shower.”
That snapped her out of the fog. “Trust me, Sublime, no matter how irresistible you are, nothing’s happening until I’m done bathing.”
Stopping at a red light, Simon turned toward her. He studied her in silence for a few seconds. “You do realize that you’re touching on a sore spot, right? I mean, all the other fighters have great names. Havoc. Mayhem. Spider. Viper.”
Dakota fought back a laugh. “Yeah. Makes them sound real adorable.”
“Adorable isn’t the point.”
“I suppose not.”
The light changed so he pulled away. “Almost from jump, I got stuck with Sublime.”
“Poor Simon,” she teased. “You don’t need a badass name to shore you up. You do well enough without it.”
In an odd mood, he said, “So far.”
That surprised her. “You’re worried about winning your comeback?”
“No. But I’m always aware of possibilities.” He studied their surroundings as he drove. “Harley came to see me while I was in Vegas.”
Dakota didn’t know what to make of that. “He lives there?”
“No, but he was in town, too, for promotion.”
A wisp of anger unfurled. “He wasn’t there trying to challenge you, was he?”