She didn’t know if she liked the sound of that.
Without softening, Dean asked, “Do you want to improve?”
“Yes.” She wanted those same fast, automatic reflexes that the fighters had.
“Then you’ll have to take your knocks.” He signaled for her to come closer. “So let’s go.”
Did he plan to maim her? With everyone watching, Dakota couldn’t back down. Barber moved out of the way, but sprawled on his side to watch. Mallet crossed his arms and grinned. Gregor, standing a head taller than the others, shouted, “Go get ’im, Dakota.”
Chin up, Dakota walked to Dean. “All right. What first?”
“We’ll do an arm lock series—from the mount.” So saying, Dean went to his back. He braced his bare feet on the mat, which emphasized the muscles in his thick thighs and calves. Chest muscles bulging, he lifted his head and motioned her forward.
He wanted her to mount him?
Sure, she knew the mount was a vital part of positioning. She wasn’t attracted to Deanthatway, so she supposed it would be okay. And at least he wasn’t planning to mounther. That would have been worse, because it might have caused her to panic, given how she reacted when in a submissive position.
Hoping to brazen through what she considered an awkward moment, Dakota shrugged. “All right. Sure.” She put her knees on either side of Dean’s hips and…sat down. Other than embarrassment, she felt nothing.
Judging by Dean’s expression, he didn’t, either. She might have been another male. That made it easier.
But the men watching sure liked the show. Typical.
“Forearm choke?” Dakota asked.
“Whatever suits you,” Dean agreed. “But be ready to defend it.”
Seconds later, when Dakota found herself in a rather uncomfortable position, she realized she wasn’t ready at all. Dean sat up with her, patiently explained each move that she’d done incorrectly or that she hadn’t finished, and then went to his back again.
By the fourth try, they ended with Dakota on Dean’s left, his arm secured in hers with his pinkie aimed at his chest. She dug her heels into the mat, lifted her hips—and got the armlock.
Dean tapped.
“Good job,” he said as soon as she let up. “Now let’s do it again.”
And so it went for over an hour. Each man had something he wanted to contribute to her education, offering up suggestions, encouragement, and a few bawdy jokes. One by one, they took the mat with her to show her something from a different perspective.
They were all good at what they did, some more than others. They were careful with her, but diligent, and overall, Dakota found it so tiring that her embarrassment faded away. She learned a lot, and despite the male teasing from their audience, she had fun.
It was in the middle of an arm-bar counter against a standing front choke that she heard a familiar voice say, “What kind of welcome is this?”
From her position on the floor, Dakota cranked her head around to look up. And there stood Simon, arms crossed, feet planted apart—and looking so gorgeous she couldn’t help but grin. “Simon!”
Twisted together with Dean, Dakota had his arm locked against her chest, her legs around his head, with both of them belly down on the mat.
Tone dry, Dean said, “Now might be a good time to let me up, Dakota.”
“You think?” Laughing, she scrambled to free herself and get to her feet. Everyone watched them. Feeling conspicuous at the gym was starting to be a habit. But it didn’t stop her from rushing over to Simon and saying quickly, “I’ve been practicing and Ithinkgetting a lot better.”
Simon’s gaze moved from her face to somewhere behind her and a second later, she got locked in a tight embrace from the rear.
Without even thinking about it, Dakota executed several moves, countering each new one until she was able to do a sweep with her right leg, dropping her attacker to the mat. Keeping her own balance, she shifted quickly and caught him in a standing arm bar.
Barber groaned and laughed at the same time. “Yep, she’s definitely better, Simon.”
“So I see.”
Dakota scowled. “That was to give a demonstration to Simon?”