Page 107 of Simon Says

She appeared thoughtful, but not offended, as she chewed that over. “If I’m staying in town—”

“You are.”

His quick insistence made her smile. Softly, she agreed. “I am.” In a stronger voice, she added, “Actually, now that you mention it, I’d appreciate some backup. Other than Barber, I’m not well acquainted with anyone in town, and I don’t think I need to go running to the police. But it’d be reassuring to know someone had my back.”

Her sensibility shouldn’t have surprised Simon, but it did. And the fact that she didn’t consider herself well acquainted with Mallet reassured him, too. “You know, I think I expected you to curse me.”

“Bastard,” she whispered with a grin, so as not to disappoint him. Then she kissed him again.

Simon liked it a lot that she kept kissing him, touching him, and that she hadn’t blown up at his suggestion that she could use some help. “I appreciate your cooperation.”

“The appreciation is mine. Just tell me who and where, and I’ll make sure I’m not alone until I know for sure if Marvin is behind any of this.”

“You are the most amazing woman.”

“Uh-huh.” She rolled her eyes. “I am a rapidly fading woman. I need coffee and food, and I think you need to pack, so how about I get a cab to my truck and then I’ll find that motel you suggested.”

Simon wasn’t ready to say good-bye to her just yet. “I have a better idea. Give me fifteen minutes to change and pack and I’ll take you to your truck, then the motel, andthenI’ll head to the airport.”

“You have time for all that?”

It’d be close, but Simon just nodded. “Yeah. I have time.” To get them on their way, he caught Dakota under the arms and lifted her to her feet. Her transparent clothes nearly caused him to choke. The woman was a warm, walking temptation.

Simon leaned forward to put one fast kiss on her belly. “This’ll be the longest, most agonizing trip I’ve ever taken—and that’s saying something, because I’ve traveled a lot.”

Dakota turned and stepped out of the hot tub, and that, too, was a unique experience guaranteed to haunt his dreams. “Fair warning, Simon.” Shivering at the cold air, she reached for a towel. “When you get back, I plan to molest you.”

Oh, God. The trip just got more excruciating. “You don’t say.” He cleared his throat. “I’ll look forward to it.”


ASsoon as she was alone in her motel room, Dakota called Barnaby. He sounded half-asleep still, but at the sound of her voice, he quickly grew alert.

“I hope you have good news, honey.”

“Not much has changed, Barnaby—except that I’m done.” Not giving him a chance to argue, question, or complain, she rushed on. “If you have letters, then go ahead and burn them. I don’t care.”

“Liar. You can’t mean that.” When she said nothing, he raged on. “This is the last link you have to your mother!”

Dakota ignored that. Her stomach felt tight at the thought of losing the letters, but her spirit felt freed. “Simon wants nothing to do with you and that won’t change. I want nothing to do with you, either. Don’t ever call me again.”

Sounding strained, he said, “You’ll regret this.”

“If you think to send someone after me again—”


“Don’t act innocent, Barnaby. We both know you had something to do with me getting shoved down the stairs.”

A long pause left Dakota uneasy. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He sounded harsh and upset. “Were you hurt?”

Suddenly doubtful, Dakota tightened from her toes to her temples. “You sent Marvin here.”

“I have as little to do with that miscreant as I can manage.” Tension throbbed in his tone. “Years ago, I told you not to get involved with him. I warned you. But you were Ms. Know-It-All and did just as you pleased, so if he’s in your life now, you have no one but yourself to blame!”

His words rang true. “You know, it’s odd, Barnaby, but I almost believe you.” And Dakota hated that. She’d been so sure that Barnaby was behind the trouble. But now…

“I thought you loved your mother. I thought you’d do anything for those stupid letters. Why would I waste my time with a common thug?”