Page 103 of Simon Says

That stiffened her spine, but she eased back against him until she felt his erection, then she stilled.

“Keep coming.” Simon helped her until her back rested against his chest. “Now try to relax.”

She made a small sound and remained stiff, put off, and antagonistic. Her hands were on his upper thighs, her fingers digging hard into his muscles. He rather liked that.

Deliberately, Simon rested one hand low on her belly. “If you open your legs, I can touch you.”

Not a sound.

Not a single movement.

“Maybe I’m rushing you—”

Her legs parted over his, not far, but enough that Simon could ease them wider himself. It was a favorite foreplay position of his, but this wasn’t foreplay, and never before had the woman on his lap been so rigid and wary.

Rather than rest her head back on his shoulder, Dakota kept her neck stiff so she could lock her gaze on his hands and watch his every move.

It was awkward, but not enough to deter him.

“That’s perfect,” Simon lied. Lightly, he trailed his fingers up and down her inner thighs, and added, “For now.”

Then he just kissed her, her nape, her shoulders, wherever he could reach. He knew Dakota expected a quick attack, but he’d disappoint her on that. He wanted to take his time with her, to build anticipation for them both.

One by one, he lifted her hands and nibbled on her knuckles, licked her wrists, and sucked on her fingertips. Dakota breathed so hard, he could hear her over the bubbling water.

“Are you warm enough?”

She nodded and said, “Oh, yeah,” in a rough, breathless rush.

“Would you mind if I brought your shirt up above your breasts?”

She finally dropped her head back and said on a near wail,“No.”

“No, you don’t mind, or no, you don’t want me to?”

She yanked the T-shirt up herself, then held it there, trembling, panting, anxious.

Looking over her shoulder, Simon admired her breasts. “Beautiful.” Not only her breasts, but…“I can see through your panties now, too. Not clearly with the water and bubbles, but…”

Dakota turned her face into his throat and held herself very still. Her hands remained fisted in the wet T-shirt below her chin.

Simon hefted one breast in each hand, gently cuddled her, squeezed, and then caught each nipple. He tugged, and Dakota nearly arched off his lap.

Pausing, he whispered, “Settle back, honey. Try to relax and let me enjoy you.” He still had each nipple clamped firmly.

“This is crazy.”

“I know,” he said, soothing her. “Sit back now.”

She did, but she’d started to squirm again, and Simon realized just how sensitive her breasts were. He’d barely touched her, had mostly teased a little, and she couldn’t sit still.

Loving Dakota would be a lot of fun.

For now, it’d be his torture.

He pulled gently at her nipples as he spoke to her. “You’re twenty-three, Dakota. I assume you’ve had a climax before?”

“No. Yeah.” She shook her head in frustration and said low,“I don’t know.”