Page 87 of Simon Says

With every heartbeat, her blood rushed a little faster through her veins.

An hour later, she started to tremble with the need for more. It was unexpected, but then, she’d never gotten this close to a man except to grapple, and it wasn’t the same. Not at all.

What she’d felt with Marvin couldn’t compare to this. She’d been too young and inexperienced to understand her own needs. With him, her pleasure had come from the excitement of doing the taboo, of knowing an older guy wanted her, exploring the unknown.

Losing her virginity.

She’d been so immature, and wasted so much on him. But now, with Simon, every feeling was deeper, hotter, so sharp that it stole her breath away.

Ready to take a chance, Dakota smiled, looked up at him—and realized that Simon must have been exhausted.

He was sound asleep.

Amazed, Dakota turned her head further and stared at him in disbelief.

She knew he gave his all during every workout and practice session. His day started early and today it had run late. But still, how could hesleep?

Carefully, unwilling to wake him, she eased into a sitting position. Various aches and pains in her body vied for attention, but with Simon there beside her, offering her an opportunity to study him without reservation, she paid them no mind. Light from the television screen gave plenty of illumination to the room.

Even before meeting Simon in person, she’d admired him on television in pay-per-view events and in her DVD collection. She’d always thought him a devastatingly handsome man. Now, up close, she knew she’d missed so many nuances and details.

Everything about Simon Evans was gorgeous.

Dakota took her time scrutinizing his face. Even relaxed in sleep, there was an undeniable capability to the set of his features—the strong jaw, high cheekbones, firm lips…. She wanted to lean down and kiss him, but he obviously needed his sleep.

She loved his brows. They were thick, dark, and level, a perfect match to his incredible eyes. Never before had she thought of eyebrows in such a way, but on Simon, sexy described them best.

Years of competition hadn’t left any disfiguring marks. There was no sign of a broken nose, and he didn’t have cauliflower ears. He did have a few small scars, but they only added to his machismo.

He had a naturally dark complexion, but the sun had enriched his skin tone. Given the bronze of his shoulders and chest, Dakota believed that he did his morning jogs without a shirt.

Imagining the reaction of any woman who’d seen Simon run past, Dakota smiled. He probably left tongue-tied broads everywhere he went.

He certainly left her that way.

Growing more curious by the moment, she looked at his lap. The blankets concealed him, so she eased them away. Through the soft pants, she could make out the outline of his heavy sex.

Her temperature raised another few notches.

Earlier, he’d been bigger, thicker, maybe from a semi-erection. Because of her? Thinking that sent a thrill of delight up Dakota’s spine.

Now, sound asleep, he looked full but softer, and she badly wanted to touch him, to weigh him in her hands and feel the heat of him.

Dangerous thoughts, given how they affected her.

Simon shifted then, raising one arm to put above his head. She held her breath until he stilled again and settled back into even breathing.

The underside of his arm was lighter, but just as muscled. The dark hair under his arm seemed very intimate, and very masculine.

With a sigh, Dakota settled back against the headboard, got comfortable, and continued to study him. Sometime later, she, too, fell asleep.

INthe wee hours of the morning, the party finally broke up and Roger Sims came around to pay the band. He also invited them to prolong their contract, and without any other dates pressing, they agreed. Extending their stay in Harmony wouldn’t be a hardship for any of them.

At the end of the gig, most of the band had alternate plans, so Barber knew they wouldn’t be holding up the van for him. He didn’t have to announce his plans with Bonnie.

Stretching to ease his tired muscles, he looked around the floor until he spotted her. Seeing her again gave him the same kick of hot desire. She lounged in a chair, eating him up with her gaze. Several empty glasses crowded her small table, proving she’d been sitting there a while.

Anticipation hummed in his veins.