Page 84 of Simon Says

“But not surprised, so don’t pretend that you are.”

“All right.” He cupped his fingers around her skull and brushed the delicate, bruised skin beneath her eye with his thumb. “Thank you for sharing.”

“Pretty pathetic, huh?”

“Sad. But no, not pathetic.”

“If you say so.” With an exaggerated yawn, she stretched and rose to stand in front of Simon. “Since you’ve so generously offered me a night here, I think I’ll turn in.”

Simon didn’t move. “I want you to sleep with me.”

Hands on her hips, she stared down at him. “I thought you said I was too banged up.”

“Sleep, Dakota.”

“Oh, yeah. You did clarify that once already, huh?”

Her cheeky grin didn’t fool Simon. “Will you sleep with me?”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“You can trust me.”

“Yeah, I know. I do.” She crossed her arms. “But I’m not sure I trust myself. I’ve got a lot of aches and pains, and today’s been an overload of crazy crap. You’ve already been so nice about everything….”

Simon stood. “That’s because I’m a nice guy. Always remember that.” He took her hand and led her down the hall to his room.

“I need to shower.”

Her blurted statement showed her nervousness. “Okay. Get your stuff together and I’ll get you some towels.”

Watching Dakota dig out panties and a long-sleeved T-shirt from her bag, Simon felt a little edgy himself. Despite the mix of sympathy, rage, and concern over her past, he was at half-mast. He wanted her, and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it.

In the five years he’d spent with Bonnie, of course there’d been nights when they’d slept without having sex. But he’d never strayed. In five long years, Bonnie was the only woman he’d been with sexually.

Since leaving her, sex hadn’t even been a consideration. He had too much to do to prepare for his fight.

But now…sharing a chaste bed with Dakota would be torturous. Sleeping without her, however, would be worse.

He went into the bathroom and found her standing there fully dressed. Her demeanor was one of defiance and dogged determination.

“Here you go.” He laid the towels on the toilet seat and went to the tub. “I’ll adjust this for you, and then wait in the bedroom.”

“Appreciate it.”

When Simon had the water just right, he turned to her, slid his fingers over her jaw, and bent to kiss her with ultimate care.

She kissed him back, but didn’t object when he pulled away.

“I’ll be right outside if you need anything. Just give a yell.”

She nodded, and the second he left the room, he heard the door lock.

Twenty minutes later, the water still ran and Dakota hadn’t yet come out. With the covers turned back and the television on, Simon had propped himself up in the bed. Normally he slept naked, but in consideration of Dakota, he’d chosen to wear flannel lounge pants.

He didn’t watch the TV.

He didn’t relax.