“Wouldn’t do any good. Whoever pushed me was long gone even before Haggerty came charging in like a white knight.”
“She did look around when I was there.” Haggerty rubbed at his chin. “I thought she was looking for you, Sublime.”
Dakota rolled her eyes. “I wanted to make sure that he wasn’t there to hurt you, Haggerty.”
He?Simon thought. Dean glanced at him, and they shared a look of comprehension. So Dakota had an idea who had done this, but she didn’t want to say.
He’d get it out of her, Simon decided. Soon. After they were alone.
Haggerty drew up in affront. “You wanted to protectme?”
With a crooked smile, Dakota said, “No offense.”
“I’d have kicked his ass.”
“Sure you would have.” She looked away from him. “Guess I wasn’t thinking straight.”
Before Haggerty could get more insulted, Simon said, “First things first.” He was so furious he shook, so that instruction was as much to himself as to Dakota. “You need to go get checked over.”
“Nope.” As if she weren’t black and blue all over, Dakota pushed to her bare feet, and though discomfort showed on her face, she stood straight with her shoulders back. She held out her arms, putting herself on display. The arm seam of one sleeve had given way. Her nylons were shredded. “See? No breaks, no sprains.” Her eyes narrowed. “No reason to pamper me.”
Mallet gave a lurid curse.
“Your every sentence starts with a no,” Dean pointed out.
“That’s right, and here’s a few more for you.” She crossed her arms under her breasts. “No police and no hospital.”
Dean leveled a look on her. “If you were a fighter, I know what I’d tell you.” He crossed his arms, too. “But you’re not.”
“Right.” She smirked. “I’m a weak little female.”
“True enough.”
“So let me guess,” she said, ignoring Dean’s agreement with her. “If I wasn’t female, you’d tell me that this little cut on my face doesn’t need stitches.”
“No, it doesn’t.”
“And I should ice the bruises for now, then hit the hot tub tomorrow to ease the stiffness.”
“Sounds like the perfect plan.” Snatching the ice away from Simon, Dakota pressed it against her forehead. “There, you see, it’s all under control.”
They stared at her.
She turned to Haggerty. “Thanks for the ice.”
Simon couldn’t take it. “I’ll drive you home.”
“I called a cab.”
“I’ll cancel it.” Done with letting her call the shots, Simon turned to Haggerty and Mallet. “Since she insists, we’ll skip the police, but I’d like for you two to go back upstairs and ask around. Someone pushed her. I want to know who.”
Dakota looked momentarily surprised that he believed her. He could see her relief, and something more.
Mallet nodded. “Someone might have seen another person up near the office.”