Page 42 of Simon Says

As if he’d read her thoughts, Simon turned toward her. “I’m asking you to give up, Dakota.”

If only she could. “I’d rather you give in.”


Guilt kept her from looking at him when she asked, “What would it hurt, really?”

Suddenly, Simon tried a new tactic. “I don’t like your boots. They look clunky and mannish. Not at all attractive.”

NowDakota looked—stared, in fact—at him. What in the world did her boots have to do with anything? “You’re kidding, right?”

“No. They’re ugly.”

She affected her best snarky smile. “Good thing you don’t have to wear them, huh?” Personally, she found the boots comfortable and they kept her feet warm.

If her reply insulted Simon, he hid it well as he stretched out his long, muscled arm and fingered a wind-tossed lock of hair that hung over her shoulder. “I don’t like scruffy women, either.” His gaze locked on hers. “Are you ever put together?”

“Put together?”

“Polished. Groomed. Less…disheveled?”

Dakota felt like slugging him. “It’s cold, Simon. If by scruffy and disheveled you mean dressed in warm layers, then tough titty, because I’m not going to be cold for anyone.”

He laughed, and when she wrenched away, freeing her hair from his teasing fingers, he laughed some more. “God, you amuse me.”

“Great. At least I’m good for something, huh?”

The laughter faded to a warm smile. “I suspect you’re good for many things.” His voice went low and deep. “That’s part of my problem.”

Dakota watched him warily. Did she have what it took to use an attraction to her advantage? Never in her life had she tried to use seduction to get her way. If it meant kissing, touching, being closer to Simon, then it wouldn’t be a hardship.

Anything beyond that…she just didn’t know.

“But,” Simon added, “as much as I want you, I refuse to upset my parents by associating with a man who has never contributed to our lives in any way.”

Still considering any unknown wiles that she might possess, Dakota asked, “Have you told your parents about Barnaby?”

“No, and I don’t plan to.”

“Maybe it wouldn’t be such a big deal to them.”

“I have enough respect for them both that I consider it a big deal.” His gaze pinned her in place. “I won’t change my mind, Dakota, you should know that. You should also know that if you insist on hanging around, I’m not going to be able to keep my hands off you.”

Her temperature rose a few degrees. “And I don’t have anything to say about it?”

“Of course you do.” Once again, he cupped her head and brought her forward for a firm, quick kiss. “But so far you’ve been saying yes, and we both know it.”

“Yeah,” she sighed. “I know.” If Simon meant to scare her off with his warning, it had the opposite effect. She wanted him, too, and that was about as unexpected as it could get.

His next kiss was soft, gentle, and consuming. Dakota relished every second of it.

For more than the obvious reasons, it’d be dangerous to court his attentions. If he decided to push the boundaries, she truthfully didn’t know if she could follow through.

Until meeting Simon, all she’d thought about sex was how to avoid it.

But now…Dakota opened her eyes as Simon slowly released her. Feeling warm and almost liquid, she smiled and started to ask him just how far he wanted to take things.

Then she saw the black SUV pulled up along the passenger side of her truck, idling there,watching them.