“To Ohio. To see my parents.”
That decision came out of nowhere, but it worked to stiffen Simon’s backbone. Being around family was always a good thing.
Going to his closet and unloading the clothes, Simon added, “Mom and Dad will love it.”
Suddenly a new voice intruded. “Simon? What’s going on? What are you doing?”
Havoc stiffened, but Simon smiled in evil delight. Talk about a clean break—this little confrontation ought to do it.
Without turning to face her, he said, “Hello, Bonnie.”
Dean cleared his throat. “Hey, Bonnie.”
“Dean,” she said dismissively while moving further into the bedroom.
“Yeah.” Dean coughed. “I think I’ll go wait in the kitchen.” And with that, he left them.
Bonnie’s hand lightly touched his shoulder. “Simon?”
He shrugged her off. She had to have noticed the mattress in the hallway, the disarray of the bed, the crumpled photos on the nightstand. “I’ll be out of here within the hour.”
Typical of Bonnie, she refused to look anywhere but at him. She crossed her arms beneath her generous breasts. With a toss of her head, she sent her silky dark hair tumbling over her shoulders. “And just where do you think you’re going?”
“That doesn’t concern you anymore, does it?” Moving around her, Simon went to his dresser and removed a drawer, then upended it over the growing pile of clothes.
“Of course it concerns me.” Bonnie followed on his heels. “Today is our anniversary.”
“Nope. Today is the day it all ends. Nothing more.”
Her voice rose the tiniest bit. “Why?”
“Come on, Bonnie. You’re smart. You already know why.”
“Oh, just great. Because of one little indiscretion, you’re going to throw away a five-year relationship?”
He couldn’t help it; her dense perception of her perfidy struck Simon as funny. “Was it only one?”
He still didn’t look at her. “Was it little?”
Frustration and annoyance sharpened her tone. “I meant insignificant.”
“I see. Well, that’s too bad for you.”
Bonnie sank well-manicured nails into his biceps. “Damn it, Simon, he was available when you weren’t. I only took the photos to…to keep me company when you’re not here.”
What a joke. “I hope he’s available nonstop now.” Simon pried her hand loose, then immediately dropped it. “Because I’ll never be available to you again.”
The coarse word shocked him. “Such language for a lady.” Bonnie prided herself on her respectability.
“You’re leaving me,” she rasped. “The situation calls for harsh language.”
“Suit yourself.” His many sport T-shirts joined the stack on the sloping mattress.
Since her first tactic failed, Bonnie tried a new gimmick. “You’re kidding yourself and you know it.”