Page 19 of Simon Says

“She’s trouble, Simon. We both know it.”

Given her behavior and outrageous way of talking, Simon had to admit the possibility. But for whatever reason, that only intrigued him more. “Maybe.” Then to reassure both his friends, he said, “I have my priorities straight, and I’ve been in the business too long to get sidetracked by a piece of tail.”

But even as he said that, Simon regretted the coarse reference to Dakota. She was different. A little odd, but in a cute way. Ballsy beyond belief. He liked that.

And he had a feeling that beneath the street-thug clothes, she had a killer body, lean and limber, just as he preferred.

“God help us,” Dean muttered. “I see it on your face. If you want her that bad, just go after her. She’ll still be at the diner. Hook up, get it out of your system, and then tomorrow we can all three take a break.”

Hell of an idea—except that Simon would never allow Dean or even Gregor to think him so weak that he’d allow a woman to influence him. Never again. “I’ll pass on that, but thanks for the offer.” He slung the towel around his neck. “Dean?”


“I hate to admit it, but Dakota might’ve been right about a few things.”

Gregor nodded. “The little darlin’ did clue me in on how to spot your kicks before they happened.”

“How’s that?”

“You tightened your jaw. Like this.” Gregor clenched his teeth. “See?”

“She spottedthat?” Dean asked.

“Said she did. And she was right. That’s the only reason I was able to block those last few.”

“I’ll be damned,” Dean muttered.

Simon nearly laughed. Something so simple, and Dakota had noticed. Usually, if a fighter telegraphed his intent, it was by planting his legs, bracing his shoulders…something more obvious than a mere expression.

“So I tighten my jaw.” Bemused, Simon shook his head and made a quick decision. “Monday morning I want Dean in the ring with me.”

When Dean said without argument, “You’ve got it,” Simon knew that he’d already come to the same conclusion.

“What the hell?” Gregor joked. “I’m being replaced?”

“We’ll alternate,” Simon suggested. “And whoever isn’t sparring with me should damn well watch for more tells.”

Less than an hour later, they all left the gym to go their separate ways. Simon did slow his car near the diner, and sure enough, Dakota still sat inside. At a booth. With two young men chatting her up. With each word she spoke, Dakota gestured with her hands. She wore a steady smile.

She looked really, really cute.

Simon almost weakened. He almost parked and went inside.

Instead, he stepped on the gas and drove away. Dakota Dream would not lure him off course. No woman could. He planned to win his return fight in a big way.

The spectators would get their money’s worth, and then some.

But afterward, when the belt was his and the Internet sites heralded him as still the victor…then he’d find Ms. Dream. Until then, it wouldn’t hurt to have a little fun with her.


DAKOTAdrew up short just inside the gym door.

Like yesterday, warm, humid air and the drone of noise greeted her. But unlike yesterday, today the place was packed.

Men were everywhere, many of them in various stages of undress. Most wore kickboxing shorts and nothing else. All of them were big, hard, dangerous-looking men.

A good dozen of them eyeballed her entrance into their semiprivate sanctum.