Page 164 of Simon Says

Sitting up beside her, Barber patted her knee. “Simon told you I was interested.”

“I didn’t believe him.”

Playfully, hoping to lighten her mood, Barber mussed her hair. “Hey, don’t look so glum. I’m a big boy. I can handle rejection.”

“I would never reject you, Barber. I love you.”

“Like a brother.” He grinned to ease the sarcastic bite. “I know.”


“It’s okay, doll. I swear. I love you, too, and nothing’s going to change that. Not even a fat lip.”

“Or a wedding?”

Barber eyed her. “So he finally proposed?”

“There’s nofinallyto it. Shoot, I’m the one who wants to wait until after the fight. Harley’s out of it. Simon says he’ll be rehabbing that elbow for six weeks. I feel so wretched for him. If it wasn’t for me—”

“Hey, Harley and I have become friends, and I can promise he doesn’t blame you. He just has bad luck when it comes to title fights. Although this time, I think luck was on his side, because I have a feeling Simon would have creamed him.”

“Yeah,” Dakota agreed, having complete faith in Simon. “This other guy, the one Simon will fight now…I don’t know much about him.”

“My money’s on Sublime.”

“Mine, too, but I don’t want a wedding to distract him.” She shouldered Barber. “I know you’re leaving tonight for your next gig, but you will be at the wedding, right?”

He slanted her a jesting look. “I don’t know. That depends. As your best friend, do I have to be your maid of honor?”

They both laughed. “No. Dean’s wife will take the honors for that. She’s pretty nice. I like her.” Dakota leaned on him. “But I still want you there.”

“I wouldn’t miss it.”

Suddenly Simon spoke. “Someone want to tell me what’s going on?”

Though he hadn’t heard him approach, Barber had no doubt Simon had seen everything. He kept such an eagle eye on Dakota that it almost seemed he had a sixth sense where she was concerned.

Not all that concerned, Barber just shook his head.

But in guilty haste, Dakota jumped to her feet. “Nothing’s going on.”

“Uh-huh.” Simon didn’t look angry, just curious. And maybe possessive, too. “Then why does Barber have a bloody lip?”

“Because I hit him when I shouldn’t have.” Dakota quickly crossed the mat and hugged herself up to Simon’s side. Barber noticed that when she was with him, she glowed, no matter the situation.

It really was damn nice seeing her so happy.

Simon looped his arm around her, but stared at Barber. “I dunno. I think he deserved a punch in the mouth.”

He thought right, Barber silently agreed.

Going on tiptoe, Dakota said to Simon, “Next to you, he’s my best friend in the whole world.” She turned to look at Barber. “Don’t do anything to piss me off.”

Grinning, Barber climbed to his feet. “Yeah, Sublime. Don’t piss off the lady.”

“Wouldn’t think of it.” He kissed Dakota’s forehead. “Why don’t you go get your things and we’ll get out of here.”

She lowered her brows. “Simon.”