Page 153 of Simon Says

Her shoulders stiffened. “Are you calling me a liar?”

Ignoring that, Simon asked, “What did you want to tell me? Tell me now, Dakota.” He crossed his arms behind his head and gave her nude body a mocking glance. “I’ve got nothing better to do than listen.”

Challenged, as Simon had planned, Dakota lifted her chin and said, “Fine.”

Would she give him the complete truth? Or, not knowing for sure what he knew, would she continue to spin tales?

“There are things about Barnaby that I need you to know. First, he’s not a nice guy—but I already told you that. And because of that…well, and because you and I are kind of involved—”

“Kind of?”

She scowled. “With you acting so strange, I don’t want to make assumptions!”

Smart girl. “Go on.”

She drew in a breath. “While you were in Vegas, I called Barnaby and told him I was done. I told him that I wanted nothing more to do with him. I told him that I wouldn’t be bringing you to him and that if he bothered us again I’d call the police.”

Simon refused to believe her. The timing was too perfect, too pat. But…had Barnaby said something about her calling it off? “I thought Barnaby had something you wanted.”

As if it no longer mattered, she shrugged. “Letters. But I’m not sure they exist, and even if they do…” She looked him in the eyes. “I decided they aren’t worth losing you.”

She sounded so believable, Simon put his head back on the bed and laughed.

“Simon?” Dakota leaned forward, worried, insistent.

Her position pressed him deeper into her. His breath caught. “God, don’t move.”

“Simon, listen to me. I know I tried my best to get you to go see Barnaby. I had a lot of reasons, and I’ll explain them all. But now…I don’t want you to. Will you promise me?”

It couldn’t get more ironic. “Too late. I already saw him.”

Her eyes went blank with incomprehension. “When?”

“Earlier tonight.” He brought his hands down from behind his head and laid them on her thighs. Smiling, watching her expression, he said, “That’s why I left the gym.”

“But…” He could see the way she tried to sort it out in her mind. “You didn’t tell me you were going to see him.”

“Just like you didn’t tell me he’s your stepfather.”

Her reaction was immediate. She gasped for air and tried to shove herself away from him.

Simon held her still. He felt mean. He felt used. “No, Dakota, don’t rush off. We’re both comfortable, right?” He smirked. “I want to know what else you haven’t told me. What else have you lied about?”

“I didn’t lie.”

“No? Barnaby swore you’d do anything to get my cooperation, even sleep with me. But you knew that wouldn’t do it, didn’t you? I blew you off when you first showed up, so you knew you needed a new plan. Is that why you played the victim?”

“You’re wrong, Simon.”

“Like a fool, I was noble and worried about you. I’ve been creative in the sack, hoping to get you past your fears.” He looked at her heaving breasts. “But the thing you feared most wasn’t sex, was it, Dakota? Hell, you love sex. You’re insatiable.”

“Simon, shut up now before you say too much.”

He didn’t listen. “You feared not getting those damn letters from your mother.”

Her fist almost caught him. Sharpened reflexes kept Simon from getting decked. He caught her wrist, then also caught the next punch she threw. “Settle down.”

She did the opposite, surging away from him, jerking and twisting. He’d never wrestled with a naked woman, especially while still inside her. He hooked her legs with his own and flipped them both, landing atop her on the bed.