Page 150 of Simon Says

This man could be his father, Simon thought, but he knew he didn’t care, not even a little. In a flash of time, so many things went through his mind, moments with his dad, holidays and vacations as a family. He thought of long talks and the occasional scolding, looks of pride and fatherly advice.

His dad was a man of strong convictions, a man who loved his family and cared for them. His father would never cower this way, never abuse others for his own gain.

Blood didn’t make a father; Simon had no confusion about that.

But the same as he would for any sniveling coward, Simon felt a twinge of pity for Barnaby. He wouldn’t forgive him or make excuses for him because he had robbed Dakota of what she should have had. He’d robbed her of all the things that Simon had gotten from his stepfather. But at the same time, he despised seeing fear in anyone.

“Look at it this way, Barnaby. Talking to the police and starting with a clean slate is better than waiting until Marvin gets fed up and shoves you down some stairs.”

An arrested expression came over Barnaby, and he half laughed in utter defeat. “Yes, I suppose you could be right about that.”

“I am.” Simon watched him—and saw the moment he began calculating again.

“If you gave me a little time to sell the house, a little money as a cushion, I could disappear after telling the police everything.”

Simon shook his head. “I won’t give you a single thing. Ever. Now get the hell out of my car. And Barnaby, call Marvin. Do it right away. Don’t make me come looking for you.”


DAKOTAwas really starting to get worried, when the knock sounded on her motel door. She peered through the peephole, saw Simon, and jerked the door open. Thrilled to see him, she reached up for a tight hug. “I’ve been waiting on you for hours.”

“Have you?” Sounding strange, he moved her aside so he could step in and shut the door.

In one quick glance, Dakota noted the odd tension in the set of his shoulders and the stiffness of his spine. “Where’d you go? All Dean said was that you took off. But you didn’t say anything to me—”

“Was I supposed to clear it with you before leaving?” Eyes dark and cold, he stared down at her.

Dakota frowned. “No, I didn’t mean that, but—”

His gaze went to her chest, and though she knew he noticed the SBC shirt she wore, he didn’t comment on it. “Did you check before opening that door?”

His mood put her off, but twice now she’d lost her chance to explain about Barnaby as she’d planned. “I always do, not that I get many visitors here at the motel.” As Barber had said, Simon had to know about Barnaby, so despite the way he acted, she took a fortifying breath and bit the bullet. “I’m glad you’re here. For a change of pace, I’m the one who wants to talk to you about something.”

“Really?” The sardonic smile made him appear almost cruel. He moved away from her to take off his coat. “Go right ahead. I’m listening.”

He tossed his coat on a bed and Dakota’s heart began pounding in dread. She could feel some strange, angry pressure surrounding him. “Are you okay?”

His hand slashed through the air and, because of his hostile mood, she ducked without meaning to. When his expression turned more volatile, she rushed to explain.

“Sorry about that. I just…” She didn’t know what to say, so she tried to be honest. “It’s not that I’m afraid of you, Simon. But you have to admit that you’re acting strange.”

Beneath a dark, long-sleeved pullover, his solid chest rose twice. Out of nowhere, his eyes narrowed and he reached for her, easing her closer. “I want you.”

As always, it took very little for Dakota to feel seduced with Simon. But damn it, she had to tell him everything. “Hold up, big boy,” she teased. “I want to talk to you, remember?”

“It’ll keep.” He nuzzled her neck. “If I wait, I might change my mind, but I need you.”

“Damn it, Simon. What does that mean?” She tried to straight-arm him, to put some distance between them, but he kissed her and, where Simon was concerned, she had no willpower.

“Say yes, Dakota.”

He was so close that she felt his breath as he spoke. She could still taste his kiss. And he wanted her, he’d said so.

What the hell, she could tell him everything after they’d made love. Right now, he seemed so distressed that if she could make him feel better, she wanted to. “Okay, Simon.”

Something new and a little scary burned in his eyes. He took her hand and led her over to the side of the bed. Dropping down, he sat on the side of the bed and pulled her down on his lap. In the same movement, he kissed her hard and fast, deep and hot.

Dakota wore only a T-shirt, panties, and flannel pants. After working at the gym, she’d showered and changed into the comfortable clothes. Simon seemed voracious, licking and sucking at her skin along a damp path down her chest until he could latch on to a tightened nipple through her shirt.