Page 143 of Simon Says


The jeans opened and he shoved them down her hips. In the next instant, he had one hand pressed into the front of her panties, feeling the heat of her, prodding, opening her.

In a faint voice, she said again,“Simon…”

He bent, closed his mouth around a taut nipple—and Dakota went rigid.

Opening his jeans in a rush, Simon lifted his head to look at her, and he froze. Her eyes were squeezed tight, her face turned away. Breathing hard, he touched her cheek, smoothed her hair. “Dakota?”

She didn’t answer.

Damn. He looked down at their bodies, at how her jeans hobbled her legs and her shirt bunched up under her chin. He’d left a hickey on her neck. Her hands clenched his shoulders until her nails left half-moons in his skin.

Carefully, feeling like an ass, Simon kissed the corner of her mouth. Small, barely there kisses. He touched his mouth to her jaw, her cheekbone, her ear. This time when he cupped her breast, he did so lightly, barely caressing her, brushing tenderly at her nipple with his thumb.

He felt her stir, and closed his eyes in relief.

“Have you ever had sex against the wall, Dakota? No, don’t answer that. I know you haven’t. Not the way you will now.”

He ran his hand along her waist to her hip and back up again. “You wanted a quickie. That means I leave my jeans on, but yours are going to have to come off so I can get your legs opened really wide, wide enough for you to wrap them around me. What do you think of that?”

She whispered, “I don’t know.”

“When we’re done, you’ll know that you like it. A lot.”

Her fingers unclenched, and she slid one hand up to his neck. “Will you kiss me again, Simon?”

“Yeah.” He put his mouth on hers, but let her set the pace this time. Against her lips, he murmured, “After dinner, when we’ve got all night, I’ll kiss you everywhere. But for now, I’m going to finger you instead.”

She went still—but not in worry or fear. Her breath hitched and, in a rush, she kissed him deeper, her tongue twining with his, her body trembling.

Pleased with her, Simon lightly teased his fingertips down her stomach, then trailed them along the waistband of her panties, over the crotch, back and forth, until Dakota moaned.

“Open up for me,” he said, “as far as your jeans will let you.”

She did, planting her feet apart until she’d drawn the denim material taut. Simon dipped his hand into her panties, moved lower, and pushed two fingers into her.

Dakota put her head back on a gasp.

“Nice, Dakota, but not quite wet enough. Not for standing up.”

Without opening her eyes, she asked in a low rush, “Standing up?”

“Yeah. I’m going to take you right here, against the wall. What do you think?”

Her teeth sank into her bottom lip; his fingers got dampened by her response.

Simon smiled.

“You like that idea, huh? Will it bother you to be against the wall, honey? Because that’s how it works.” Jesus, he was turning himself on with all the sex talk. He visualized everything he said, and knew he’d have to be in her soon, or he’d embarrass himself. “You’ll have your back braced on the wall with me driving into you.”

“Yeah. Okay.”

Simon released her and went to one knee. He found the zipper on each boot and tugged them off her feet. Dragging her jeans and panties down her legs, he said, “Step out.”

She still wore thick white socks, and Simon half smiled as he stood again and fished a condom from his wallet. He tossed the wallet on the table and opened the condom with his teeth.

Resting back against the wall, her shirt above her breasts, her eyes dazed and her cheeks flushed, Dakota watched him.