Page 14 of Simon Says

She indicated he should lean down so she could talk to him without anyone else hearing. With even more reluctance, he bent down.

“Simon’s killing you with those kicks.”

“No shit, Sherlock.” He grunted at the obvious. “At least he’s not hittin’ my liver.”

“A deliberate choice on his part, because he wants to keep practicing.” A liver kick would leave Gregor done for at least an hour.

“What’s your point, dollface?”

Gregor looked annoyed enough to send most people scampering away. But Dakota wasn’t the least bit intimidated. “I don’t think you’ve noticed, but he’s telegraphing those kicks. You can block them if you know what to watch for.”

Bemused with the conversation, Gregor looked back at Simon—who stared at them both with piercing intensity. Proving that he enjoyed provoking his friend, Gregor faced her again. “You don’t say?”

She nodded. “Right before he kicks, he tightens his jaw.”


“It’s an indication of what’s to come. I’ve seen him do it every single time.” Dakota stepped back and put her hand on her right thigh. “You’re leading with your right leg, which is why he keeps going after it with that low roundhouse kick. When he tightens his jaw, get ready to lift your leg, like this.” She demonstrated what he should do. “That’ll block it, and confuse him at the same time.”

“I know how to block a kick.”

“When you see the kick coming. So far, you haven’t seen it, so Simon isn’t expecting you to block it. When you do, that’ll be your opening.”

Intrigued, Gregor studied her with new awareness. “My openin’ for what, exactly?”

She looked around Gregor, saw Simon’s scrutiny, and hurried through the rest of her instruction. “You need to get Simon’s attention upstairs, instead of downstairs with your legs. Do this.” She demonstrated a fast combination of hits.

“That’s a basic combo,” Gregor argued.

“Yeah, but you’re not using it! And its effectiveness is why it’s so basic. So you throw the jab-cross, and then a rear roundhouse. You’ll be kicking his leg instead of him kicking yours.”

Gregor rose back to his full arresting height. “You know a lot about this stuff.”

“I follow the sport. And I’ve trained a little.” What an understatement. “I love it.”

“I figured you were here for Simon, what with the way you two chatted each other up so cozy and all.”

“I am here for him.”

“But you want to help me to kick his ass?”

She snorted. “Ain’t gonna happen, Gregor, at least not today, so forget it. The only way you’ll take Sublime is by a freak accident. But the best way for him to improve is to have a fighter challenging him. Right now, you’re not doing that.”

Gregor pulled in his chin and glared at her. “You’re a strange broad, you know that?”

Dakota grinned. “Yeah, I know. Now go get him!”

Shaking his head, Gregor went back to the center of the mat. Simon immediately joined him.

“What the hell was that all about?” Dakota heard Simon ask.

“She gave me a few tips for kicking your ass.”

Simon looked deliberately blank over that. “You’re joking.”

“Nope.” Gregor took a stance. “Let’s see if your little lady friend knows shit from shinola.”

Simon glanced at her, Dakota saluted him, and without changing expressions, he faced off with Gregor.