Page 125 of Simon Says

He snorted. “You need more than that.”

Harley stopped a good distance away and put his hands on his hips. Heat waves undulated off the blacktop between them. A bead of sweat slithered down his temple. “I just want to talk, that’s all. I’ll save the brawl for the cage.”

Simon smiled and said, “Go to hell.”

“It’s important, damn it.”

What a laugh. “Are you a fucking idiot? No, don’t answer. That was a redundant question. Of course you are, or you wouldn’t be here.”

Harley went taut. His iron jaw jutted out. “I already know you don’t care about me sleeping with Bonnie. I heard that from some of the other fighters.”

“They should have also told you that it’d be best to stay out of my way.”

“I’m not afraid of you, Sublime, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

Simon shook his head and started walking toward his ride. If he stayed, he’d definitely put his fist through Harley’s mouth, and truthfully, he didn’t want to do that. As Harley said, he wanted to save it for the cage.

“She came on to me, Sublime,” Harley called after him, uncaring of any passersby who might overhear. “I didn’t know she’d taken pictures.”

Yeah, right. How the hell could a man not know?

As if he’d heard Simon’s thoughts, Harley said, “I was a little distracted with other things at the time. She must’ve set the camera on a timer or something.” Disgust filled his tone when he added, “Do you really think I want naked photos of myself floating around?”

Simon’s neck stiffened. That explained one thing, but he still couldn’t believe Harley had come here to talk about his bedroom activities with Bonnie.

Harley strode after him. “I didn’t know she was your woman, Sublime.” Then louder, “I met her in a damn bar, for God’s sake!”

Simon flagged a one-finger salute and finally reached the car. The driver, a young man fascinated by the exchange, looked from Simon to beyond him at Harley. His eyes widened.

Harley now stood right behind him. “This isn’t about Bonnie, you stubborn ass.”

Grinding his teeth together, Simon paused, but he knew he wouldn’t get rid of Harley by ignoring him. He slewed his head around to glare. “I’m. Not. Interested.”

“Fine. Fuck it.” Harley jerked off his sunglasses, showing Simon those eerie blue eyes of his. “Have it your way, then. But it’s about Dakota.”

It was strange, Simon thought a few seconds later, how one short sentence could change everything.

He went from being annoyed and insulted into a full-blown red-hot rage.

As Simon came after Harley, Harley back-stepped, but he caught himself and stopped to brace for Simon’s attack. “God damn it, man, if you hit me Iwillhit you back and then I won’t be able to help you or her.”

The words didn’t register. Barely restraining himself, Simon spoke mere inches from Harley’s face. “Understand this, Harley. Bonnie was one thing. Dakota is another. If you touch her, I’ll take you apart.”

“I don’t want to touch her,” Harley said, exasperated. “If you would listen, you’d know that I want to help. That’s all.”

“I don’t need your help.”

“Hear me out, and then make that decision.”

Simon clenched and unclenched and finally relented. “You’ve got five seconds.”

Harley accepted the opportunity. “A reporter approached me about Bonnie, insinuating that our fight was a grudge match.”

Simon eased back an inch. “Shit.” It needed only this.

“I told him to get lost, so he asked me how Dakota was involved. I had never heard of her, so I walked away from the guy. He’s dogged me ever since, and I think it’s going to blow.”

Surly and needing to take it out on Harley, Simon said, “Good press for you, huh?”