That quick answer didn’t convince her. “Because I don’t want to.”
“He wouldn’t let you.”
How could everything be so cut-and-dry for men? “He told me once to get lost.”
Dean smiled. “I know.”
“But I didn’t.”
“I know that, too.”
Dakota was so set on finding out what she needed to know, that she barely registered Dean’s words. “At the time, I didn’t mind bugging him. But now…he’s got a lot to do to finish getting ready for the fight, and I don’t want to get in his way.”
“Most of the guys have significant others. If they can’t juggle a relationship, they won’t be able to make it in this sport.”
“I suppose.” Gregor was in training, too, but Dakota doubted that Jacki ever felt like a nuisance. Of course, they were in love, like Dean and Eve. “But you know, Simon and I don’t have a…normal relationship.”
An arrested look came over Dean. “Now you’re treading into territory that I don’t want to hear about.”
“Sex talk is out.”
She gasped. “I wasn’t talking about sex!” Without thinking, Dakota punched his shoulder hard enough to make him nearly drop the packages.
Cursing low, Dean juggled things until he had them balanced again.
Eve looked back at them, and though her hand tingled in pain, Dakota pasted on a smile. Dean just kept plodding forward down the mall toward the shoe store.
Feeling like a blockhead for overreacting, she muttered, “Sorry.”
“Hitting you.”
Dean glanced at her. “You hit me?”
Did all SBC fighters have a warped sense of humor? “Very funny.” But she did want to set the record straight. “I was talking about how Simon and I met, not…anything else. And seriously, I am sorry for slugging you. I sometimes do that without thinking.”
“It’s a guy thing, being physical.” Dean shrugged. “Simon told me you’ve had some training.”
“Yeah, but I need more.” What an understatement. “A lot more. Barber and I are coming by in the morning. I’ve worked with him before.”
He nodded. “I’ll be there anyway, so I’ll watch and see if I can give you any pointers.” He looked at her again, this time lingering on her many bruises. A touch of worry darkened his light brown eyes. “That is, if you’re sure you’re up for it.”
“They’re just bruises, Dean, not breaks. No reason to sit on the sidelines.”
His mouth lifted in amusement before a laugh escaped. Shaking his head, he said, “Definitely a guy thing.”
She didn’t understand him, but then, she didn’t understand Simon either, and Barber had totally thrown her for a loop. “If you really don’t mind, I’d appreciate the feedback. I know you’re one of the best trainers out there.”
“Simon is better.”
“Simon is out of town, and when he gets back, he has to concentrate on his own training, not on fooling around with me.”
Dean choked, looked down at her, and laughed aloud. “Don’t sweat it, Dakota. Somehow I think Simon will manage just fine doing both.”