Page 115 of Simon Says

“That’s nice, ya know?” When he looked suspicious of her attitude, she tried to explain. “I mean, it’s great that you two found each other.”

A little confused, Dean glanced at his wife, then back to Dakota. “What are you up to?”

“Nothing.” It annoyed her to be so mistrusted. “What am I, an ogre? I’m just saying, it’s not every day that two people meet, fall in love, and choose to spend their lives together.”

Dean studied her, then nodded. “It’s better than nice.” Relaxing a little, he took the jeans she had and tossed them aside. “Those are butt-ugly. They look like men’s jeans. Try these.”

Dakota stared at him, bemused. Then she looked at the jeans he’d just sort of snatched up off another table.

Huh. Not bad. “Those are nice.”

“Yeah, I know. Get two pair, one in washed denim and one in black. Between the two pairs, you ought to be able to find enough tops to mix it up and get you by, and then we can all get the hell out of here.”

Dakota grinned. “What about tops?”

He went stiff for only a second before indulging a quick cursory glance at her upper body. Dakota had the feeling he’d just taken her measurements in a heartbeat.

Stepping around her, Dean went from rack to rack and when he came back, he had five shirts in various materials, colors, and styles. They all looked warm and soft, and not at all revealing. Perfect for her.

Dean Conor was a rather amazing man.

“Here,” he said. “Do you need to try them on?”

Dakota checked the sizes and smiled in relief. “No way. If you think they’ll work, we’re done here. All I need is a different pair of shoes and those are in another store.”

“Come on.” He took her arm and led her toward the other women. “You two about done? Dakota is ready to pay but she needs shoes still and wants to hit a few other stores.”

The way Dean had worded his question made it sound like Dakota was the one anxious to go.

And she was.

Both women had an armload of items, and they each wanted to inspect Dakota’s purchases before they’d go to the checkout with her. After enthusiastic approval, they finally paid and got their items bagged.

Once out of the boutique, Eve and Jacki just naturally drifted ahead again. They got along so well that Dakota envied their easy friendship. Nodding toward them, she said, “Eve is really, really nice.”

Loaded down with shopping bags, Dean hung back by Dakota. “She’s incredible.”

Dakota hid her smile. “The thing is, I don’t interact real well with ladies.”

“You don’t try.”

“No, I do. That is, I think I do.” How to explain it? Eve and Jacki had both been so nice, trying to draw her in, to include her. But she never knew quite what to say to them. “See how they’re laughing and chatting? They’ve been doing that since I got in your car.”

He shrugged. “Yeah, so?”

“Do you ever wonder what they’re talking about?”

“Woman stuff.”

“Well, sure. But whatever that entails, I already know I’d be out of my element. I guess I’d rather talk about guy things, like fighting and training, than fashion or makeup or that sort of junk.”

Dean rolled a shoulder. “Me, too. So pick a subject.”

“If you’re serious…”

He let out an exasperated breath and looked down at her. “Something on your mind, Dakota?”

She had so much on her mind, all of it centered around Simon, that it felt like her head would explode. “Do you think I’m interfering too much in Simon’s training?”