He lifted her left foot. “I could spar with you, you know.”
“Forget it.” Her fingers tightened on his shoulder and her voice rose an octave. “You’re in training. You need to train.”
“All right, then.” It choked him to say it, but he offered, “Dean, then.”
“Ha! Hell, no.”
What did she have against Dean? Or was it just that he was male, and therefore getting physical with him didn’t appeal to her?
Given that he didn’t really want her to be physical with any man except him, Simon couldn’t fault her for that.
Lifting her other foot to remove that sock, too, Simon said, “I want you to be confident in your skills, honey.”
“I am. That is, I’m learning.”
“You’re smart, Dakota.” He stood, and now she wore only a T-shirt and panties. It made him nuts. “You know more about the sport than any other woman I’ve met.”
“I love it.”
She no longer looked so cold. Her shivering had subsided and she had a warm flush to her skin just barely visible in the shadows of the privacy fence.
But her nipples were hard, and Simon couldn’t seem to get his gaze off her chest.
“I’ve learned a lot just by watching.”
Unable to help himself, Simon brushed the backs of his fingers over her left breast, teasing that taut nipple. “And you know the best way to learn is to do. Real confidence comes with experience.” His gaze locked with hers. “And that means not just practice, but out-and-out, full-blown contact.”
Her breathing accelerated. “I’ve done that with Barber.”
Simon clenched his jaw. “Fine.”Son of a bitch. He didnotwant to say it, but her safety was a priority. “Have Barber come to the gym to work with you.” And he’d watch over them both.
Dakota drew in a shuddering breath. “Why are you so worried about me improving my skills?”
“You know why.” Her beautiful legs and trim waist weren’t a surprise for Simon, not after seeing her in that dress. But a woman’s breasts could easily be enhanced with the right bra.
He didn’t think Dakota bothered with enhancements.
And when he opened his hand over her breast and held her, he discovered that she was heavy and firm, more than perfect. He could feel her puckered nipple against his palm.
“Damn,” he said, surprised at how hoarse he sounded. “You really are stacked, but somehow you’ve managed to hide it.”
“I see no reason to show it.”
No, why would she when she didn’t want male attention? Except for his, Simon reminded himself.
Before he got any further off track, Simon took her hand and led her to the hot tub. He stepped in first, then helped her in.
“There’s a ledge for sitting.”
She started to move to it but, still holding her hand, Simon sat down and pulled her to him until she straddled his lap.
It was wonderful.
And torturous.
And the pleasure of having her lush behind cuddling his cock damn near took his voice.
Dakota stationed both hands on his shoulders and just looked at him. Her eyes were dark and heavy, her lips parted to accommodate her fast breaths.