Holly laughed as Kim ended the conversation with a kissy face emoji.

The next thing she knew, someone was covering her eyes with fuzzy gloves and saying, “Guess who.”

Holly recognized the voice and smiled. “Hi, Mr. Mason.”

Nick’s father removed his hands and chuckled, his laugh sounding like aho-ho-ho. He was notorious for being mistaken for Santa Claus, given his round belly and white beard. He even had a twinkle in his eye.

“Now, now. You call me Nicholas. Or Dad, if you prefer. Might as well get comfortable with it, future daughter-in-law.”

“That’s true. I think it might take some getting used to, though.”

“Rachel told me to say she and Avery will be here soon.”

“Message received.” Holly patted his shoulder. “How are you doing?”

Nicholas Mason had been managing his Wilson’s Disease with medication. Still, he tended to get fatigued easily and sometimes suffered from muscle stiffness. Thanks to the money from the tree decorating contest the year before, he could pay for his treatment for many years to come.

“I’m great,” he replied. “I always get a little extra energy this time of year. I love the holiday season.”

Holly grinned. “I can tell.”

“Where’s your mom? I still haven’t met her.”

“She’s at the cabin. She’s preparing something for later. Emily—um, Mrs. Weedleman and Mrs. Miranelli are there, too. They’re all catching up.”

“That’s nice. I guess I’ll meet her at the family dinner, then.” He leaned closer. “You’re still coming, right?”

Holly placed a hand on his arm. “Wouldn’t miss it.”

Mr. Mason shifted, and the grin faded from his face. At first, Holly wasn’t sure what had changed and, for a moment, feared it was his health condition. But when Mr. Mason dug out his phone and squinted at the screen, she understood.

“I’m afraid I’m not very good at this texting thing.” He snickered. “Can you hold this for a second while I search for my reading glasses? I thought I put them in my pocket, but—”

Holly took the phone. She couldn’t help but look at the screen. “It’s from Rachel. She and Avery need help at the shop.”

Mr. Mason pulled his glasses from his inside coat pocket seconds too late. “Oh, all right. Thank you, dear.”

Holly handed him back the phone. “My pleasure.”

“I’ll head to the shop, then. See you later, Holly.”

She waved as he headed to The Gingerbread House.

“This town is the cutest.” Kim’s nasally voice floated to Holly.

Holly had to smile. Kim always sounded like she was whining, even when saying something positive. She turned to find her friend walking toward her, rolling her suitcase at her side. The faux fur hood of Kim’s coat entangled with her dark, curly hair. Her eyes were bright as she took in the festival setup.

“Hi, Kim.” Holly closed the distance between them and embraced her friend. “I missed you so much. Wait, did you get taller?”

Kim giggled as she stood back from the hug. “It’s my shoes. Platform winter boots are my new favorite thing.”

“Well, they look great on you.”

Kim grabbed Holly’s hands and stretched her arms out. “And you look fabulous. Whatever they’ve put in the water is really agreeing with you.”

Holly laughed. “I think it’s just the fresh air.”

“Or maybe love,” Kim teased. “Oh em gee! That hot chocolate stand, which is literally a standing cup of hot chocolate, is so utterly adorable.”