Page 24 of Cascade

“Well you never asked,” I tell him, feeling a bit defensive all of a sudden.

“Well you never asked, either!” Archer is clearly starting to panic a bit so I wrap my hand around his arm to try to reassure him. “I’m not trying to trap you with a pregnancy, Archer. Far from it.” I breathe through the electric pulses when our skin connects, wondering if he feels it too or if it’s all just something that’s up in my head.

“Archer, I’m a midwife,” I tell him.

“Yeah. We’ve established that. But I’m no baby-daddy,” he says, shaking his head.

“That’s not what I mean. Look, I don’t do hormonal birth control, ok? It messes with my head.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? We’ve just been raw dogging it? Hoping and praying there’s no consequences?”

“Raw dogging?”

“Come on, Opal.”

“You’re right,” I tell him. “We should have had a safety conversation. I should have asked you about your sexual health and other partners and been clear with you that I’ve been monogamous with you but--”

“You have? Just been with me, I mean? All this time?”

My heart swells a bit at the hopeful look in Archer’s eye when I tell him there hasn’t been anybody but him for a long time. Since before I moved to Oak Creek. “So the way it works,” I continue, “Is that I check my cervix every day and that plus my temperature chart gives me a really accurate picture of my fertility.” I can feel Archer already starting to misunderstand. “What I mean is that it accurately lets me avoid pregnancy. I just...well, I don’t come sleep with you when I’m fertile. Like now.”

He swallows. “Like now?” I nod. “You can tell--shit, Precious. I do not know what a cervix is. I just do not and that is embarrassing. But it tells you if you’re...fertile?”

I nod. “It does. Every time.”

“Well how in the hell do people get pregnant by accident if it’s as easy as just checking your cervix?”

This makes me laugh. “Well first of all, not everyone knows how to check it or wants to and then, of course, people get intoxicated and forget to care about their cervix. There’s really just a wide world of--”

My words are cut off by Archer’s lips on mine, leaning into me with a groan, his hot tongue gently nudging its way inside my mouth. He wraps one arm around my neck, his thumb stroking the skin above my t-shirt, and I feel myself melting. I feel my biology kicking in, because oh. My god. Do I want Archer Crawford, right here and right now. I pull back. “Archer! We can’t!”



“LISTEN HERE,” I tell her, keeping my hands on that glowing skin of hers. “There’s no fucking way I can keep my hands off you when you start talking about science like that. You’re so damn smart, Opal. God.” And I duck in again to kiss her some more just because it’s been so long.

“You understand that if you put your penis into my vulva there’s a strong chance we will conceive a baby?”

I stand up and palm my crotch, in part because it’s achingly hard and in part because I want Opal to see what she does to me. “Precious, there are so many things I want to do to you right now. And I do not need to slide my cock inside of you to get there.”

She melts a little bit into the stairs and I yank her to her feet, pulling her toward me and groaning as she rubs against my body. I let her feel every hard inch of me that’s been missing her since she disappeared. “I won’t even sleep over if you don’t want me to, but I want to make you come so hard and scream my name so loud your cat freaks out.”

“Please don’t bring Oscar into this,” she says, slowly lifting the hem to my t-shirt as if she, too, is overcome by the need to be touching me. I’m glad she feels it, too. I saw her jolt when our skin first connected, when the spark from my veins jumped ship into her body. There is absolutely no denying the connection that we share and I’m not going to question it. I’m just going to strip her the hell out of these pajamas and fuck some sense into her.

“Shit, Precious. No bra.” I drag my cheek along her skin as I toss her shirt up and over her head. “That’s it.” I scoop her up over my shoulder like I did the night we met. This time she melts against my body, not resisting. Riding my impulses like I wish she could ride my cock. I carry her upstairs and into her room, kicking her door shut behind me so the damn cat doesn’t come in and try to intervene again.

“Archer, remember. Oh!” She squeals as I toss her on her bed and yank down her shorts. I nudge her legs apart with my elbow and crawl up to her cleft as she gets herself situated on the bed. “We can’t do P to V intercourse.”

“Precious, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say as I lick her, long a deep. “But I got your message, sweetheart.” I lick her again as she starts to coo and writhe on the bed. “How about I just suck on your pussy for awhile and then maybe I can come on your tits?”

“Oh Christ, Archer. God, that’s so hot.” Opal moans. She loves it when I talk dirty to her. I love it when she lets me come all over her. I am so fucking glad I came over here. As I lap at her sweet honey, I can’t believe I almost let myself think it seemed desperate.

Opal, it seems, is like one of those orchids my dad is always trying to grow. You’ve got to be persistent. Give them the exact right kind of attention. She’s not ready to go to dinner with me, but if she craves physical attention, I am here for it.

My nose bumps against the tuft of hair at the top of her cleft and I swirl my tongue around Opal’s clit as I use my thumbs to peel her open. She detonates and I feel the pulse of her muscles contracting while she comes on my fingers. I lick her again and again while she blossoms and screams my name. “Yeah, Precious,” I purr into her thighs, nipping at her skin with my teeth. “I’ve missed that sound.”

My dick is so hard by this point, between thinking about Opal, hearing her talk about science stuff, and then hearing her scream my name with my face buried in her pussy. My cock throbs inside my boxers as I struggle to kick everything off. Opal is boneless, collapsed on the bed and I chuckle at the sight of her. She does always seem wound up when she comes over and I guess I should take it as a compliment when she says I’m able to make her feel comfortable.