Depending on her schedule, she may or may not respond right away. If she’s at her desk, doing computer work, she will. If she’s doing an intake for someone seeking assistance, she won’t.

I don’t hover over my phone waiting, though. I have actual work to do, and I’m only in my apartment for a quick shower after my workout. One of the requirements to work at Jameson is we maintain peak physical performance, which means we are expected to utilize the gym and utilize it a lot. It’s part of our workday, and I like knocking mine out first thing in the morning.

Before I head to my desk on the second floor, I pull up my contacts and make a quick call to Bodie. He’d texted to let me know he had finished his background check on Jaime’s brother, Brian.

I suspect if Jaime knew I was doing this, she’d be pissed. Not just because she’d learn what I actually do for a living, but also because I was snooping into her brother. While I know she has doubts about him, I also know she loves and is protective of him.

I also know there’s a part of her that doesn’t want to know if he’s into something shady.

Bodie answers on the first ring. “You’re calling awfully early,” he grumbles.

“Whatever, dude.” I laugh. “I know you’ve been up for a while now.”

“That’s true,” he admits. Bodie is an early riser, just like his wife, Rachel. He doesn’t hesitate to jump right into business. “So this guy you had me check out isn’t into anything too deep. Looks like some low-level fencing of stolen goods.”

Illegal, but not too nefarious.

“He doesn’t have a criminal record,” Bodie continues, and I can tell he’s reading from something. “But he’s on the local PD’s radar.”

“Is he fencing for the mob?” I ask, knowing that could turn serious fast.

“Looks more like a small-time Irish gang, but hell… they could be working for something more organized. That’s all I got.”

“That’s good enough,” I reply, my mind racing. It could explain why he needs money and can’t come up with the repayments to his sister. He’s got a kink in his supply chain.

“Why are you even dealing with some low-level thug?” Bodie asks curiously.

I hesitate, wondering how much to reveal. Anna’s the only one I’ve told about Jaime, because I wanted a female perspective. But Bodie’s my best friend, and he has been for forever. We’ve endured life-and-death battles before.

“I’ve been seeing someone.” My words are tentative.

Bodie breathes into the line. “Holy fuck. It’s end of days.”

“Shut up,” I snap. “Anyway… it’s her brother. He’s been borrowing money from her, and he’s pretty aimless. She’s worried about him, and I thought I’d check it out for her.”

“Gotcha,” Bodie replies, accepting my explanation. “Now tell me what type of woman has lassoed a man who notoriously decries monogamy and relationships.”

I spend a few moments updating him on Jaime. How we met, what she does, and, most importantly, that I truly do like her.

“That’s great, Cage.” I can hear the affection and pride in his voice. As a man who is happily married, deeply in love, and a great father to his son, Tony, he sees this as a wonderful rite of passage for me. “Hey… you should bring her to the San Francisco conference so we can meet her.”

I had told Jaime I was going to a trade show in San Francisco. It was partially true. I’m definitely headed to San Fran, but it’s for a security conference where Rachel and I will be giving presentations. Of course, though, I couldn’t tell her that.

“Not a good time,” I clip out. “She has to work.”

Bodie’s silent a moment, but his next words catch me off guard. “Nah. There’s something else. Spill it.”

Observant son of a bitch.

“She doesn’t know what I do for a living,” I admit on a long sigh.

“Explain,” he demands.

And I do. I tell him why I lied, how I hadn’t thought it mattered at first, and now I know it does because I’m in deep. I even admit my fears that my admission of the truth will end the relationship because Jaime has high integrity, and her last boyfriend cheated on her. I admit my selfish desire to ride it out as long as I can.

“You’re planning on this failing,” Bodie concludes when I finally shut up.

“No, I’m not,” I deny way too quickly.

“You are, and you know it.”

“Maybe,” I admit, because I can’t lie to him. He knows me too well. “But it’s not going to happen today or tomorrow. I just want some more time.”


Bodie and I ended up talking for another fifteen minutes. He encouraged me to fess up sooner rather than later, but with me going on extended travel here in a couple of days, I didn’t think it was wise to tell Jaime the truth now. I reasoned to myself it would be better to wait until I came back.