Since our conversation on Christmas Eve two nights ago, he’s respectfully texted each morning, asking if we can set up another time to talk. Each time, I’ve put him off, telling him that I was not in the right frame of mind just yet.

That was vague enough to hold him off. Truth be told, though, I know exactly why I’m putting him off. It’s because I think, deep in my heart, I understand and accept he’s never had any ill intent toward me, that he got caught up in something stupid that snowballed, then that whole kidnapping thing sort of got my emotions out of whack. What still causes me some trepidation about this, though, is that if I genuinely accept that, then I should give him another shot.

I should give this marriage a shot.

But there’s that small chance I’m wrong. There’s a risk that maybe Cage can’t be trusted, and if that turns out to be true, I’ll end up being in a marriage that’s unworkable. I’ll end up getting way more hurt down the road if he does something else to betray my trust.

“Shit,” I mutter, frustrated I can’t seem to reason my way out of this untenable position. And I’m honest enough to admit I keep putting Cage off because I know damn well he’ll talk me into giving us a shot.

There’s a knock on my door, and it startles me enough to make me jump. I move that way, assuming it’s Brian or Laney. I know it can’t be Cage because he’s given me space, and I’ve denied him so far for another time to sit down to talk.

To be sure, though, I look through the peephole. I’m shocked to see it’s a blonde woman. At first, I have no clue who she is, then vague recognition settles.

Then it clicks.

It’s Cage’s friend Anna, who I met about a month ago for drinks. Funny, he hasn’t really mentioned her or his other friend, Malik, since then, so I’m a bit confused as to why she’s outside my apartment door.

Did Cage send her here?

But that doesn’t make sense. He never talked about her after that meeting, so I didn’t think they were all that close.

Hesitantly, I undo the locks and swing the door open.

Anna holds a hand up with a smile. “Hi, Jaime.”

“Anna, right?” I ask, just to make sure I remembered correctly.

“I wasn’t sure if you’d remember me,” she says with a duck of her head. “Can I come in?”

Manners have me automatically moving back and ushering her in. I don’t know her well, but she’s a friend of Cage’s, so I assume she’s safe. I mean, she doesn’t look like she’d kidnap me or anything.

“Cute apartment,” she says as she looks around. “Cage said he was hoping you two would get a house, though. More space.”

A jolt of surprise hits me hard. “Excuse me?”

“Cage,” she replies, turning to smile at me. “We had dinner last night, and he was hoping if you two can get back on track, he could buy a house for you.”

I’m so flabbergasted that I don’t even know what to say. I have no clue if I’m even going to stay married to the guy, and here this woman is, who I hadn’t even thought was all that close to Cage, telling me he wants to buy us a house.

I shake my head, frowning. “I’m sorry. But you and Cage were talking about me?”

Anna nods with a bright smile. “Just last night.”

“I didn’t realize y’all were that close of friends,” I murmur, more to myself than her.

“We’re pretty tight,” Anna admits. “We actually work together at Jameson.”

My jaw drops, my eyes feeling like they’re bugging out of my head. “You work together?”

Another lie Cage told me. Or rather, something else he failed to tell me.

“Yes,” Anna replies hesitantly, perhaps picking up on the anger in my voice. “He didn’t tell you when he… um… told you about what he really did for a living?”

“We haven’t had much opportunity to talk since then,” I admit, then another thought strikes me. “And what about your gay friend, Malik, who was with you that night? Does he also work at Jameson?”

Anna tips her head back and laughs, her eyes sparkling. “That’s right. I totally forgot Malik told you he was gay, but that was because you were trying so hard to play matchmaker with us, and it was the only way he knew to get you to stop.”

“I’m really sorry about that,” I rush to assure her.

She waves her hand. “Actually, you weren’t far off the mark. And yes, he works at Jameson. We had feelings for each other, but we were too afraid to act on them. I think your trying to play matchmaker just made it more awkward for us since us being together was kind of forbidden.”