“Just mulling over the best way to win her back,” I admit.

“You mean saving her life didn’t do the trick?” Jackson laughs from the rear seat. I turn my head over my shoulder to look at him, and his laughter dies a sudden death.

“Unfortunately, saving her in the manner we did revealed the real truth of who I am in a way that was so shocking, I think she’s more angry and hurt than I could have imagined.”

The other two men are silent for a moment, then Ladd offers, “Lots and lots of groveling and apologies?”

“Figured that much,” I mutter.

“Get in good with her parents,” Jackson says, and that gets my attention.

I shift in my seat to look at him. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, get them on your side. They’ve got to be thinking you’re a hero right now.”

“Right,” Ladd drawls. “Hit them first before she can. Let them know how sorry you are and that you want to fix it, but you’re not sure how. Casually remind them, of course, that you saved their daughter’s life, and you’d be appreciative of any help you can get.”

I ponder that. “So you’re both advising me to use her parents against her.”

“Pretty much,” Jackson says with a grin. “But dude… you lied to her not only for weeks, but you married her without telling her the truth. You need all the help you can get.”

That would be true, and they both make great points. But ultimately, the problem may be that her parents don’t think I’m worthy of their daughter. That my lies trump any good deeds I’ve done by bringing her home safely.

Christ, this is a cluster fuck, and it’s of my own making.

No one to get me out of it but myself.


The first opportunity to make headway with Jaime’s parents comes when I return to Jameson. They’re still there on the fourth floor in the communal area, along with Laney. Kynan had obviously kept them apprised of everything, including her rescue. When I arrived, intending to head straight to my apartment for a shower, I was surprised to see them still there with Joslyn and Kynan.

“They’re hanging out here until Jaime and Brian finish up with the FBI, then they’re going to go pick them up,” Kynan explains.

I nod, giving them a smile. There goes any hope of me trying to see Jaime tonight, but that’s probably for the best. Like I said… she might need a little space before I put on a hard press to win her back.

Her parents and Laney stand from the couch, her dad’s expression saying he’s not sure what to make of me. It’s part reserved and part distasteful. I see no gratitude for what I’ve done.

Laney does give me a small smile, but she stays a few feet back.

Jaime’s mom, however, comes around the couch and gives me a hard hug. “Thank you so much for rescuing Jaime.”

I squeeze her before pulling away to assure her, “It was very much a team effort.”

Pursing her lips, she swats at me. “Don’t downplay it. Kynan told us how quickly you sprang into action, how you tried to defend her even though it was four to one, and well… crashing through a window from a rope after having jumped off the roof? That’s simply amazing.”

I blush a little, but yeah… that was a cool maneuver. I wouldn’t have attempted it if it was full plate glass, but Ladd and Jackson’s prior recon showed the window frames to be old and splintered, and I knew they’d be easy to kick in with the momentum I’d be bringing with my swing. The glass shattered small the way I figured, and going in feet-first had most of the frame bursting inward and away from me, I didn’t get a single scratch, although admittedly I tweaked my shoulder a bit.

Glancing back over at her father, I wonder if his wife’s thankfulness has changed his attitude. I can tell by his expression it has not. He’s going to be a hard sell, but, right now, Mrs. Dolan’s looking at me like I walk on water.

“Can I get anyone anything to drink?” Joslyn offers, rising from her chair. Such an amazing hostess and such a change in her circumstances, going from Hollywood A-lister to helping Kynan run this business. Anyone who’s anyone knows who Joslyn is, and I’m sure the Dolans were starstruck at first. Everyone is when they first meet her.

“How much longer do you think it will be?” Mrs. Dolan asks Kynan.

“Maybe an hour,” he answers. “They’ll want a basic statement so formal charges can be made, but they’ll most likely want to talk to them both again at a later date for more detailed statements.”

“And Brian?” Mr. Dolan asks, obviously wondering if his son is even coming home tonight or if he’ll be arrested.