One of the men raises a pistol, pointing it straight at Cage’s face who stops dead in his tracks. He doesn’t back away though, nor does he even hold his hands up in surrender. Instead he looks pissed and like at any moment, he’s going to take the man on.

I’m so intent on watching that interaction that I fail to notice another man coming my way. He grabs me by the arm, jerks me up off the couch hard enough he wrenches my shoulder causing me to cry out in pain.

“You son of a bitch,” Cage barks and takes a step toward me. The rage on his face is scary and I see murder in his eyes. “Get your fucking hands off her.”

“Sorry,” the man with the gun pointed at his face says, and there’s no mistaking his distinct Irish brogue. “But she’s necessary to us.”

“I swear to God,” Cage says through gritted teeth. “If you don’t let her go, I’m going to—”

“You’re going to what?” the man demands as he advances a step in on Cage and puts the pistol to his forehead. Cage doesn’t even flinch or cower, but looks the guy right in the eye with a hard glint. “You’re going to shut the fuck up, is what you’re going to do.”

And then in a swift move, he pulls the pistol back, only to slam it into the side of Cage’s head.

“No,” I scream, trying to get to Cage as the man holding my arm restrains me in a full body lock. “Leave him alone.”

Cage crumples to the floor but he’s not unconscious. He immediately puts a palm to the floor and starts to rise again, so the man with the pistol knees him under the chin, causing Cage to fly backward, landing on his back with a distinct groan of pain.

“Stop,” I scream again. “He’s just a used car salesman. He’s doesn’t pose a threat.”

Cage actually lifts his head, not to look at the men but at me, and to my surprise, he chuckles for a moment before once again starting to rise.

Once again, the man with the pistol kicks him, this time in the ribs. Cage grunts but doesn’t fall flat to the ground. Disgruntled, the man puts the pistol once again to Cage’s head and jerks his head to the door, instructing the other guys. “Get her out of here.”

I’m pulled away, across my living room floor, kicking and screaming until some cloth is shoved so far into my mouth I immediately gag around it. But it suffices to quiet me and then I’m throw over one of the men’s shoulders.

Before he walks out with me, another guy comes up and shows me his gun as a warning. “If you struggle, we’ll kill your boyfriend.”

Husband, I scream inside my head, glaring at him. But I remain still.

“Good girl,” he says and pats me on the head. “Behave and everything will be fine.”

I’m carried to the door and just before we step through, I cast a last glance back toward Cage. He’s staring at me and I can read his message loud and clear. I know exactly what he’s conveying.

Don’t worry. It will be fine. I’ll get you out of this.

I hope he sees in my eyes how much I love him, and how adorable it is that he—a used car salesman—thinks he’s going to be able to get me out of this. But it makes me love him even more.CHAPTER 20CageWhen I come to, it’s not the pain in my head, ribs, or jaw that I concentrate on but the fact that Jaime has been kidnapped. I have immediate clarity that she’s gone.

They carried her out with a gag in her mouth and thrown over a shoulder. Then I was hit one more time with the butt of the gun, this time to the back of my head and my world went black.

Rolling to my knees, I fight back a wave of dizziness and push myself up to a standing position. I look at my watch, realizing with dismay I’ve been unconscious for close to ten minutes. There’s no way in hell I’m going to make a chase out of this right now.

“Fuck,” I growl, searching for my phone and realizing it’s still in the bedroom. I rub at the lump on the back of my head, relieved there’s no blood because I don’t have time for stitches, and make my way to Jaime’s bedroom.

It doesn’t occur to me to call the police. I dial Kynan instead.

I’m stunned when he doesn’t answer, and I get his voice mail. I don’t bother leaving a message. Instead, I call him right back.

He answers on the second ring. “This better be good because I’m trying to enjoy some time with my beautiful wife, whom I haven’t seen in a week,” he growls.