“And I can tell the same about you,” I reply with a wink. “I’m from Hazelwood.”

“East Liberty,” Anna proclaims. “My mom and stepdad still live there.”

“My parents are still in Hazelwood, too. Along with my brother. My sister is a senior at Pitt.”

“I’ve got a cousin who lives over near Hazelwood,” Anna says, and I shoot a quick, side glance at Cage. He and Malik seem content to let us two Pittsburgh girls talk.

The conversation is light but a little one-sided. Anna keeps peppering me with questions, and I begin to wonder if she’s doing it because she’s genuinely interested in me, or if she’s checking me out to give Cage her opinion about me.

The latter, if true, doesn’t bother me. It’s what friends do. It’s what my friends did when Cage and I met in the bar. They asked him a million questions, trying to gauge if he was worthy of me.

Anna asks me about my time at Penn State. She has a few family members who graduated from there, so there’s plenty in common on that end. Then she gets into my job, and it’s here I can tell she’s truly interested. It doesn’t take me long to realize I like her a lot. She’s a genuine woman with a kind heart. While she doesn’t have direct experience, she is sympathetic to victims of domestic violence, and she even asked if there were any way she could volunteer—be it time or clothing or whatever.

Cage and Malik chime in periodically, but it’s definitely the Anna and Jaime show.

And then Anna asks me a question that has nothing to do with me at all. “So, what could you possibly see in this guy?”

Immediately, Cage’s head swivels my way with an eyebrow cocked in curiosity, a slight smirk playing at his lips.

I stare back at him, gaze roaming his face as if I’m appraising him. “Hmm… let’s see. First, he’s not hard on the eyes, know what I mean?”

Anna nods in agreement.

“Also… he’s funny. He makes me laugh a lot.”

Cage grins, chest puffing out.

“And when he kisses me,” I say in conclusion. “He makes my toes tingle.”

This may have been somewhat of a challenge to Cage, because his hand goes behind my neck and he pulls me close to him so he can, in fact, give me a kiss that makes my toes tingle.

Anna sighs from across the table, hand fluttering at the base of her throat. “That’s so romantic.”

I sneak a peek at Malik, who I haven’t been able to talk to yet. He’s staring at Anna in a way that seems to be equal parts confusion and hunger.


It’s my turn to be nosy now.

I take a sip of my beer, gazing back and forth between Anna and Malik over the rim before I point a finger at them. “So how long have you two been dating?”

Anna’s body physically jolts in her seat, snapping left to look at Malik, then me. Shaking her head in denial, she says, “Oh… we’re not dating.”

I slide my eyes over to Malik, my expression questioning. He also shakes his head. “Nope. Not dating.”

“Really?” My voice gives away that I’m a bit surprised. “I could have sworn you were because when you talk, Anna, he’s totally absorbed in what you’re saying, and vice versa. It’s a shame—you two would make a really beautiful couple.”

Anna’s face goes beet red, and her voice is a little shrill. “Nope, not dating at all. Just friends.”

That denial was a little too quick and dramatic. Laughing, I give Cage a knowing look. “Oh, someone protests just a little too much.”

Anna flushes again, and her lips press flat.

Putting his arm around me, Cage gives me a squeeze. “No, seriously, babe… they’re just friends.”

“Oh, but why?” I say, looking between Anna and Malik. “You two are clearly good friends, and you do look beautiful together—”

Anna’s eyes go flat, and Malik looks uncomfortable. I realize I’m totally being nosy and rude. “Oh God… I’m sorry. I totally overstepped my bounds. Said something awfully rude, didn’t I? I didn’t mean to hurt anyone’s feelings. I’m just such a romantic. Sometimes I think I see things that aren’t there.”

Malik and Anna don’t say anything, but Cage sort of shrugs, his expression not seeming to indicate I said something wrong.

But I feel like I did, and I’m really getting that vibe from Anna more than Malik.

“Shit,” I exclaim, eyes pinned on Anna. “I said something really, really bad, didn’t I? Totally stuck my foot in my mouth and I’m not sure why, but I know I did.”

Almost immediately, Anna’s eyes go warm and friendly, a smile playing at her lips. She opens her mouth, and I know she’s going to say the words to make me feel better, but it’s Malik who blurts out, “I’m gay.”

Ah. That explains it.