If I am really being honest with myself, I am angry. My life would have gone in a completely different direction if I tested as a supe, I could have avoided a whole lot of trauma, and pain if I could have gone to the magic academy with Evander, but that didn’t happen. I am a big believer that everything happens for a reason, but I am struggling to see the reason behind that.

Why did I have to go through a life of pain, only to find out in my thirties that what I wanted all of my life I have always been?

I work through all of these feelings, sorting them, feeling them, and then releasing them. This is a massive life-changing thing, and I need to deal with it as adulty as I can. That means not burying everything that this situation is making me feel. I am not a complete grown-up, so the feelings that I have toward my parents are being buried until I am better equipped to deal withthem, but any anger I have toward Sully and Van’s parents gets felt, and then I move on.

They were all doing the best that they could with what they had. Sully has protected me and guided me as best as he could, considering the people that I ran with, and he is family, he is my big brother, and I don’t know what I would do without him.

Van’s parents took me in when I had no one, I know that they did it for my parents but they loved me, they didn’t just look after me, and they never pressured me to be more than I was, they just loved me as their own, I have a good childhood because of them.

None of those people deserve my anger, so they aren’t going to get it.

I have never been very good at being patient, but I don’t have a choice. Sully’s words were that it’s starting, or at least something along those lines. I am hoping that he will be able to tell me more at some point, but with the way that Fates work, several things most likely have to fall into place before that can happen.

I am now confident that my Darkness, and the fact that I die and then come back to life as me with no change or need to feast on brains, is part of my supernatural side. However, I have done extensive research, and I haven’t come across anything that came even remotely close to what the Darkness is or anyone that can do what I can do.

I have no idea how long I have been out here, my mind going around in circles and trying to pull apart all of these feelings, but my legs are tired, and I need to sit down before I head back to the house, and hopefully dessert. I spot a fallen tree and take a seat on it, making sure that I am not about to sit on any living creatures.

The forest at night is alive with more life than people usually give credit for, and if you stay still enough, all manner of creatures will make themselves known to you. I take a moment,allowing thoughts of being a supernatural, and family ebb away, I just listen to the forest around me.

It’s not long before I have remained still enough that the creatures start to make themselves known again, I watch as a deer slowly moves through the trees, only briefly stopping to look at me curiously before deciding that I am not a threat and moving on. Rabbits do a similar thing, and I just watch. I become aware that I should probably start heading back to the house since I have no idea how long I have been gone. I want my dessert, and I also don’t want to make the guys worry and think that something is wrong with me, again.

I start to stand up but pause when I get the overwhelming feeling that I am being watched, my instincts ping with warning, and the forest quiets. I am supposed to be safe out here, the guys said so and I believe them. However, this is me, and my previous track record shows that if there is even a whiff of danger in the immediate surroundings then I will find it.

It’s a gift.

I allow my gaze to move around the forest, turning in a slow circle, my hands clenching and unclenching as I ready myself for an attack. I have nearly completed an entire circle when I spot eyes in the tree above me, just two small dots of glowing purple, but they are definitely eyes. As soon as I lock eyes with it, and it acknowledges that I have, the creature moves into the moonlight and swings down from the branch, landing in a soft crouch before straightening again.

If I am not mistaken, I am staring at an imp. A creature from the supernatural realm of Trieneliea, it’s where all supernaturals come from. It is infinitely vast, and rumor has it that it has access to other realms as well. We don’t know much about the realm. I know that there was a war and that the war is what triggered many supernaturals to escape to this world. We also know that when they did, the gates that connected their worldto ours were closed, and despite their best efforts, they were still unable to open them.

I know more than most about what happened, Sully likes to talk about home when he has a little too much to drink. I don’t know much though, I know that it was different than Earth, but the same, when I questioned him about that, he didn’t explain, just carried on talking. It was harsher, split into territories for the various supernaturals and their desired realms. Wars broke out, but nothing compared to the scale of the last one that forced mass evacuation. I asked about hierarchy, the governing system, all of that sort of thing because I was incredibly intrigued by the place that he spoke about with such fondness, he just waved me off and said that was enough talk of the past.

I bring it up every now and then and only ever get a small amount more information out of him. I wish I could study the place, but there are no books on it here, only stories that have been passed down from the generation that left. Supernaturals live for a very long time and there are many that are still alive from that time, although it only happened forty odd years ago so that isn’t really surprising.

The shuffling feet of the imp pulls me out of my thoughts, and I study it. He only comes up to my mid-thigh, if that. He looks like a small, perfectly proportioned human, except his skin is tinged a dark blue, and his ears are pointed, although they are only just visible through the blue and silver threads of his braided hair.

He smiles, rows of sharp, pointed teeth making his smile look anything but friendly. From what I can remember, they aren’t usually supposed to be a threat and are more known for their trickery. My senses are telling me otherwise though, and that warning that danger is near is still thrumming through me. It would not be a good idea to let my guard down.

“What do you want?” I ask it, because the way that his purple eyes are looking at me, he definitely wants something.

There is a rustling in the trees, and small figures drop from their branches. I find myself surrounded by at least fifteen imps.


“We don’t mean you any harm,” the one who first dropped from the canopy answers my question.

“I would believe you, but you have me surrounded,” I reply, with more bite than I probably should have.

His eyes widen slightly while the other imps all start to move restlessly.

He tilts his head and studies me closely, “Name.” He demands, and when I just raise my eyebrow at him because who the fuck does he think he is, he dips his head and adds, “My name is, Flinotive.”

“That’s an unusual name, although I suppose it’s not where you come from,” I reply, my words once again causing the imps to shuffle around and mumble. Since he gave me his name and I can’t remember anything in the lore that I have read about imps that would indicate that I shouldn’t, I reply, “Neith, my name is Neith.”

He nods a wide smile on his face again, “Yes, yes. I thought so, but I had to check. We have been waiting a long time.”

“Waiting for what?” I ask.

“You must complete a task,” he replies, ignoring my other question.