We’re both actually, and we intend to have a house full of furry kids as well.

No one at Jameson seems to think it’s odd, either. Malik is a bit put out his supposed bro-code theory was a bunch of hot air, but, secretly, I think he’s relieved he doesn’t have to defend his own honor over loving me.

“I know some of this seems fast,” he says quietly before bending to pull a pot from the bottom cabinet. When he rises, he glances over his shoulder. “I’m going to take my time, though, before I propose.”

My body locks tight. Even though we’ve talked in loose terms about living our lives together with children, I haven’t even considered an actual proposal. All of this just seems so natural and right—mainly because of the horrors Malik and I have shared—that I never thought twice about the solemnity of how we get from being in love to hitching ourselves together figuratively, spiritually, legally, and such.

“I have nothing holding me back,” I say. It’s an assurance I need to give him that my period of mourning for Jimmy is complete. Now he’s in a place I’ve reserved for him in my heart. A very special place where I can talk to him—almost daily—and keep his memory alive for both Avery and me.

But the rest of my heart is ready to be occupied by Malik—full time.

When he’s ready.

“I have nothing holding me back either,” he assures me. “I just want you to know that it will come when the time is right for us both. I’ll know it’s the right time for me to ask, because I’ll know, deep in my heart, that you’ll say yes.”

“Then I trust you to know when that is,” I murmur.

Malik smiles—and I know we are on the same page.

From the nursery, Avery lets out a small cry. We both go still, listening to see if it happens again.

It does, so I start that way.

But Malik stops me. “Let me get her.”

For a moment, we just stare at each other before I incline my head. Malik steps into me, then hands me the pot. I’m now officially on hot-chocolate duty. He dips his head, kisses my mouth, and then moves off to the nursery to get our daughter.

So, one day, when he does ask me to marry him, I know the answer will be a yes without any hesitation.