He was scared.
I was scared.
I grabbed some hard statue that was on his side table, and pushed his bed against the window, since the windows were a little higher. When I looked out the window, there was a white woman with wild blonde hair, holding a bottle in her hand.
“Help us! Help! Call the police!” I screamed, as if she was going to help. She tossed the bottle into the other window, sending even more flames on the other side of the room.
I pushed the bed closer to the window, holding my chest because the smoke was becoming too much. I extended my arm, and tossed the statue through the window, breaking it. I grabbedhis boot and hit the excess glass while becoming lightheaded and choking.
“El…Eli,” I huffed out while calling for him. “Baby, please scream… you here.” I held onto the end of the bed.
“Ms. Blair… Ms. Blair.”
“Baby, clim…climb up here on the bed and out the window… jump down and grab that stuff I tossed and find help, please.”
My vision was blurred as I continued to help him climb out. He hopped down and did exactly what I said, and then stopped. I tried to climb the bed to exit, and my legs gave out, resulting in me collapsing on the bed, with my hand on my chest.
“Ms. Blair! Ms. Blair, please wake up! Please!” I heard his screams, as I tried to speak, but I couldn’t get the words out. It felt like I was choking on sandpaper and smoke as the smoke continued to consume me.
To Be Continued