The door shuts just as quickly as it opened, so I grab my mask and wait for him to disappear. When I get to the stairs right below her room, I can hear the shower running. Either this is her first shower of the day because she is just getting started, or it’s her last. Regardless, I know I’m going to come in at the most convenient time.
The door is unlocked when I try to turn it, and I slide my mask into place. This is the best thing I’ve ever fucking made. Black fabric on the inside so it doesn’t agitate my face, and mirror pieces on the outside. If anyone sees me, they will only be able to see their own reflection and my eyes. The most amazing thing is when they are dying, not only do I get to watch the life drain from their face, but they get to also.
Sneaking in while the girl is in the shower is easier than I thought it would be. She doesn’t have a clue that I’m here. I take note of the nightstand and the dresser. It’s as if no one stays here. The tops are both clean, not even a fingerprintexists on the surface. No drugs, no bottles, nothing– and unfortunately no evidence of who she really is.
I keep my footsteps quiet, my breaths as soft as possible, and I make sure nothing jingles on me. As soon as I get to the bathroom door, a knock on the door interrupts me. I scramble to hide before someone walks in and sees me. I don’t need to deal with another stab wound, or better yet, another gunshot. There is a black robe hanging in the closet, and I quickly step behind it, holding my breath just as the bathroom door opens.
That’s when I see her for the first time. The old man said she was easy on the eyes, but goddamned. He didn’t mention she is drop dead gorgeous. Her black hair is tied up in a towel with a couple loose strands framing her face, her green eyes could kill anyone in an instant. She’s like medusa. If I stare at her too long she might trap me and turn me to stone. Her body is thin, a little too thin for my liking, but there isn’t anything that can help with that currently. She must not have enough money for food, or she is saving every penny to finally leave this life.
I see it as she walks past me…
The birthmark from the photo.
It’s her.
I fucking found her! Spencer may be pissed at me for coming here, but at least she is in my field of vision. And she’s alive. It’s been nine years since my first childhood home was torn down. The contractors let me go in and look through the things before they destroyed it. That’s when I found the picture.
She walks past me butt ass naked to the front door, not even noticing that something isn’t quite right. Pulling it open she has a small conversation with the person on the other side, but nothing nice.
“What do you want now?” She says throwing the dooropen and cocking her naked hip out. Her dainty hand rests on it, giving more attitude than probably necessary.
“Seriously, answering the door butt-ass naked? I just wanted to see how much you made today, you know you have to pay me this week, and I came to collect.” He pauses, letting her reply, but nothing is said. “Don’t give me that fucking attitude, Dynah. I don’t want to kick you out of this motel if I don’t have to. You and Sabrina are the only two I’ll allow to work here.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll pay once I’m done with my shower. Can’t I get a little bit of peace? Please?” She slams the door in whoever’s face, and storms off back to the bathroom.
I let out my breath when she shuts the door once again. Thank fucking god I didn’t get caught. I don’t know how I would currently explain the situation.
She does look frail and thin, but she has a fiery little attitude, and I’d love to be at the forefront of it.
I do a little more snooping and plant a few spy cameras, before I step out unseen and unannounced. Whoever was at her door has already left by the time I step out. I’m only left with two unanswered questions…
Who really is she?
And how do I get her alone?
Pulling into the driveway of the rental, I pull my phone out of my pocket as I walk to the front door.
“It’s her. I saw her hair, eyes, and her fucking birthmark. I also planted the cameras. I’ll keep my eye on her for the next couple days before I make any moves.” I leave the voicemailon Pen’s phone. I know he will be back soon because I see his overnight bag on the couch. He must have gone to the store for shit while we’re staying here.
I throw my wallet and keys onto the entryway table and make my way into the living room. Pulling my laptop out of my duffle, I make myself comfortable on the couch. I didn’t have time to check the camera location when I got into my car, so it’s better to check now and make sure they are properly placed.
Opening the laptop and turning it on, I pull up the app and click on the new camera setup button. As soon as it loads, I see her. She’s got a pair of hot pink short shorts on, and a white crop top. It makes her legs look a mile long. Her hair is wrapped up into a messy bun, and all I want to do is untie it and wrap it around my hand. What I would give to force her to her knees and beg for me.
I can’t believe I fucking found her. I’ve been searching for so damn long, and it almost feels too good to be true. Just the little conversation with the guy from the hotel, she seems like a little firecracker, and I can’t wait to turn that attitude towards me.
I close the laptop and set it back on the coffee table, pick up my phone and check my notifications. I need to eat something, and then sleep. I have a lot of shit I need to do tomorrow.
I’ll be there shortly. Got your voicemail.
Pen’s text pops up right as I accidentally close my eyes.
K. Good.
Fuck, I really don’t want to hear what kind of bullshit he’s going to say about this.
'Stalks' of Flowers