My pants fell to the ground, and I stepped out of them as she kneeled before me and gripped my cock in her hand. Fuck. Thesight of her kneeling before me gripped my stomach, and as she licked from the shaft all the way to the head, my world exploded around me.
She took me in her mouth, moaning against my skin as she sucked me deep into the back of her throat and gagged lightly on my length.
“Fuck, Aria,” I groaned as she quickened her speed.
I let the sensation of her lips around me wash away everything. The memory of her on that bed. Knocking her unconscious. The way she had flinched away from her father when I had first met her.
She had allowed herself to be hurt and abused for too long, and I would never let anything like that happen again. Aria was too kind and too loving for this life, and I would keep her safe.
I would protect her.
I felt my climax building, and I sucked in a breath as I tangled my hand in her hair and pulled her head back. She gasped, licking her lips as I pulled myself out of her mouth. I could have cum on her face at the sight of those sensual lips and the aroused look in her eyes.
I knelt on the ground and picked her up, allowing her to straddle my hips as I carried her into my bedroom. “I want to do this for you,” she told me, pressing her lips into mine.
“You’re done doing things for other people without getting anything in return.”
She squealed as I threw her on the bed.
It took a matter of seconds before I had her bare before me. Every inch of her body was an utter masterpiece. One that hadme throbbing for her. My eyes focused on her stomach—at the life growing undetected inside her.
I never thought I would want that. The thought of having a child for the sole purpose of growing the bloodline had never felt appealing. But to know it was half Aria made all the difference.
I settled on top of her, nestling a hand between her thighs as I looked into her eyes. I moved my fingers slowly, teasing her as she gasped and thrust her hips.
“Do you forgive me?” she asked.
Did I forgive her?
The answer was immediate. I didn’t even have to give it a thought.
I brought her to the edge a handful of times, enjoying watching her wiggle beneath my fingers. When I finally inserted one into her, then another, she spoke again.
“He wanted me to give him an heir, and I was going to do it if it meant keeping you safe. I was going to let someone else…” She trailed off her words, and my jaw ticked. “I didn’t. I backed out. I’m not completely selfless. I—I couldn’t do it.”
“Good,” I said immediately.
“Good? You could have been killed.”
I stopped. “I would do anything to keep you safe, Aria. If that means giving my own life, so be it. You are mine. That means it’s my job and my honor to protect you. To make sure you never face a choice like that again. Your only job is to stay safe.”
I thrust another finger into her and cut off whatever she had been about to say.
“I don’t give a fuck who threatens me. I can take care of myself. I can take care of you and our child. I could bring down a fucking army if that’s what it took to see you safe, and if you doubt that for one second, you don’t know me very well. Do you know what I had to do to get to you?”
Her breath hitched as I curled my fingers inside of her. “I can guess,” she moaned.
“I would burn down the fucking world to see you safe. Don’t ever do something like that again.”
She moaned, but I retracted just enough to keep her on the edge of her orgasm. “Enzo,” she cried out. “Please.
“Tell me you’ll never do something like that again.”
She met my eyes. “If it would keep you safe—”
“Aria,” I demanded with more force. I ran my thumb over the bundle of nerves at the base of her thighs, and she bucked into me and moaned. Then, I slowed.