He ended the call knowing he was forcing me into doing something that I would never forgive myself for. He knew I would ruin myself for either of my sisters.

He knew he could trust me to do this because the alternative was something I could never live with.

Chapter Fourteen

Aria Bianchi

I opened the totes of belongings my father had shipped here as Jaimie sorted through each item with an assessing gaze. She told me she was there to help me unpack, but I could see in her eyes that there was more to it than that.

She needed to ensure Alonzo Bianchi didn’t send something heinous.

But she wouldn’t find it.

Alongside all of the skincare and hygiene products that he’d discarded into one large tote carelessly, he had included an additional fluid inside a nail polish bottle—one that he told me to dilute in Giovanni’s beverage.

I sorted through my polishes, finding some of Livia’s favorite colors missing. I wanted to laugh at the situation, but the poison sitting only two bottles away had my chuckle fading. Not even Livia pilfering her favorites out of my things could dull the realization of what I would be forced to do.

Enzo walked into the room and looked around at the piles of things spread everywhere.

“We have afternoon plans.”

“You and Jaimie?” I asked as I pulled another dress from my clothes and rested it in the short pile. I cringed at it, remembering the words my father had spoken every time I wore a square neckline.

I wasn’tthinenough to pull it off.

It made me look like I didn’t belong in the company of powerful people.

Then, I glanced at the business casual attire and remembered his heinous words about all of that too.

“I need new clothes,” I finally said. I glanced up and realized that Enzo must have said something because Enzo and Jaimie both looked at me with their heads tilted to the side. “I’m sorry, did I miss something?”

Jaimie crossed her arms.

Enzo stared right at me and I saw the predatory gleam behind his eyes—one that reminded me of the last time he looked at me with that expression. My stomach tightened at the thought of our long evening a few nights ago.

“Tell me why you need new clothes.”

I couldn’t tell him that. Hell, I felt foolish even considering the absurdity of the reason. I knew that my father’s words shouldn’t have meant everything, but I didn’t want to think of him every time I got dressed. Since I had come here, it had been so easy to forget him and my past, if only for a few hours every day.

“I need a change.”

Enzo’s eyes narrowed, and I looked away, down at a pair of shorts that my father had called “too slutty.” I couldn’t live with his voice in my mind forever.

And Enzo saw it.

“I’ll get you new clothes after we meet with my uncle.”

* * * *

I spun the half-full nail polish bottle in my pocket as Giovanni and Enzo stood across the room, talking to one another. I couldn’t place the words—not with the sinking pit in my stomach that told me Ihadto do this. What meant more to me? Evelina’s safety or a near stranger’s life?

The answer was clear, but my conscience couldn’t take it.

“Dear, you’re part of the family, same as Enzo now. Come and join us. I had a few things I wanted to discuss with you after our conversation the other night?”

I gave a wary smile and approached the drink bar where Enzo rested a hand. He glanced over my shoulder and gave me a look that translated into a silent question. He could see that something was tearing at me, but he wouldn’t ask. Not right now.

I needed to tell him something, but…