Page 93 of Mensa's Match

“Woman, I’ll leave you alone if it bothers you, but my guess is this is like phone sex. You said it didn’t do it for you, but hell if it didn’t work for you when it was me on the phone with you.”

I twisted my lips to the side. “That’s true, but this is different.”

His eyes met mine, and they were warm. “You know how Mom said that angel food cake is my favorite?”

I nodded. “What’s that got to do with anything?”

His eyes twinkled with mischief. “My three favorite things to eat are pussy, Skittles, and bacon. In that order.Always.”

I tipped my head back. “You are not serious.”

With his thumb and forefinger at my chin, he tipped my head down an inch. “Always, Blume. I don’t have a problem with it. We’ll stop if it really bothers you. Otherwise, period schmeriod, baby. That’s what towels are for.”

I flung my head back with my cackle. “Says the man who doesn’t have to do the laundry! And only you could get away with saying ‘period schmeriod’ to me.”

He stared at me until my humor faded. “It’s light right now, yeah?”

My hands came up in question. “How do you know all this? You’re an only child!”

His chin dipped. “You might have noticed that Mom has a way of getting in your business, but she also has a way of oversharing her own business – though she said it was so I’d be a man with a real understanding of women because Dad could only give me a male perspective on women.”

I nodded once. “That kind of makes sense in a weird way.” And it probably had something to do with his ability to read me.

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me thoroughly. When he ended it, I felt dazed, and I loved the look in his eyes as he stared at me. “Give me a shot, Blume. Might just rock your world… all over again.”

I shoved my hands up and under his shirt. “You know, you would make a great sales person because you’re very convincing, Ragstone.”

He laughed and unzipped my dress. It fell and pooled at my feet. “That’s funny, because I thought theverysame thing about you that night in the hotel room.”

“What? I didn’t convince you to have sex with—”

His tongue slid along his lower lip. “Wasn’t talking about the sex, babe. I’m talking about the wine and Skittles. Nobody else could have convinced me to do that shit.”

I yanked his shirt up and he pulled it over his head. “I guess that makes us even.”

The sight of his tattoos always stole my attention. His body was a work of art without them, but add in all of that intricate ink, and I was mesmerized. He had flames licking along his rib cage; a small Riot MC patch sat on his left pec.

My perusal of his tattoos was cut short when he dropped his underwear and laid on his back in the bed. “Hurry up, Blume. I need my second dessert, baby.”

I climbed up on the bed, he hauled me into position, and to my surprise, he rocked my world all over again.

From behind the counter at Hard Pressed, Aunt Nadia held her coffee mug aloft, and shook her head at Mensa. “Why are you dropping her off?”

“No need for us to both drive, since I’m sticking around until lunchtime.”

Aunt Nadia sipped her coffee and blinked at him repeatedly. “I need her to have a vehicle – today especially, Mensa. The beginning of the week is when I get orders shipped out, and she has to get to the UPS store.”

“Can’t she borrow your car?” he asked.

Aunt Nadia hesitated. “She could, but neither one of us likes that. ”

“It’s for her own good… in fact, having her in your car is ideal, since Rod’s got people on the look-out for her Elantra.”

I shot Mensa a dry look. “Those bikers have better things to do than search for me.”

Both of them ignored me.

Aunt Nadia narrowed her eyes on Mensa. “How long are you Riot boys gonna let this go on? There was a time when this would have been dealt with and the dust would have settled.”