Page 62 of Mensa's Match

I nodded and sat back on my bed. “Oh, that’s right. I heard about that. Her situation was extreme from what Riley told me.”

“It was, but you haven’t given me a good reason to stay in Biloxi. Two people will get the job done quicker, Blume.”

I sighed. “That logic is true, but youdon’twant to leave town before you’ve heard from your lawyer. Going against a police order only makes you seem more suspect.”

From the tone of his voice, I thought he might be smiling. “I’m aware, woman. I’ll wait, but you better expect my company tomorrow.”

I let silence fill the line as I debated posing a question. “What happened to what you said when I was driving? You were going to make sure Ron forgot about me?”

“I’ve learned some other information, and I’ve tabled that.”

“Really? What kind of information?”

“Not anything I’ll share over a cell.”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh, please. Do you know the amount of paperwork involved in getting a phone tap?”

He still sounded like he was smiling. “It’s not the government I’m concerned about, Whit.”

I chuckled. “My point stands. Do you have any idea how hard it is to bug someone’s phone?”

“Whatever. I’ll tell you when I see you, woman.”

“Are you coming on your bike?”

“That was the plan. Why?”

“I was going to ask you to bring me some boxes, but don’t worry about it.”

“You’re definitely moving?” he asked.

“I’m definitely not keeping two apartments,” I said.

He went quiet for a bit, and I wondered if me moving was the thing to push him away.

“I’ll see if Har needs his truck this week. If he doesn’t, I’ll borrow that and bring some boxes with me.”

“I don’t want to cause any prob—”

“It’s not a problem, Blume. I’m gonna let you get some rest, sweetheart. Later.”

The following afternoon, I was kneeling on my bedroom floor, taping up a moving box when my cell phone rang. My place looked almost empty, seeing as Mensa had arrived four hours ago and had hauled away the items I knew I wouldn’t take to Biloxi.

Now he was in the shower, and if things went well tomorrow, I’d have the rest of my stuff packed in no time.

I grabbed my phone off the nightstand, Wyatt’s name on display. I answered and pressed the button to put the call on speaker so I could continue to pack another box. “Hey, Wyatt. Surprised you have time for me.”

“I made time. Did you go back to Jackson?”

My lips quirked in a half smile. “Yeah, for once I listened to you. Did you have a change of heart or something?”

“Not really. I’m giving you a heads-up. Rod asked other members to Google your name. They find it real sketchy that you didn’t have a single listing. I diverted them by pointing out that plenty of women protect their privacy. ”

I grabbed a box that was half-full of my winter clothes and stacked it on top of another box. “So, I still need to watch my back. Got it. And just to say, that’s pretty flimsy.”

“That’s why you’re getting a heads-up.”

“Thanks, I guess,” I said with a chuckle.