I’m tempted to text Zach or Everett, but what the fuck would I say? Whatever woke me doesn’t seem to be a current threat, and they’d tell me the same thing. I’m not disrupting anyone’s sleep for that.
I’m overreacting.
I check the locks on the front door and the rest of the windows and give the side yard one last glimpse through the blinds, but nothing stands out.
Back in bed, Ava is sleeping on her stomach. Gently, I scoot closer and pull her to me. She stirs but doesn’t wake. I close my eyes and try to reclaim a sense of calm so I can fall back asleep, caressing her back and down the arm draped across my chest.
But I’m too worked up, both from my senses giving me false vibes and the memories of being with Ava.
When it’s time for me to return to duty, how am I going to say goodbye to her?
It’s not supposed to be so fucking complicated.
I want her in my life. Permanently.Thatshould be the hard part.
Stroking each of her fingers, I release a full sigh.
How do I make us work?
Though sleep refuses to come, I savor the feel of Ava’s body warming mine and her soft, deep breaths. I take in the details of the room. The intricate iron headboard and the big, fluffy comforter with the soft, blue outlines of clouds. Her low dresser adorned with picture frames of her friends and family, and several of her on horseback. There’s one of us from high school graduation—she’s riding piggyback, her face bright with laughter, while I grin at the camera. And the group shot from Zach and Sofie’s wedding where Kirilee pinched Ava’s butt to make her laugh. I knew how I felt then, and it’s only gotten stronger since.
We belong together. Ava Greely isitfor me. It’s been that way for longer than I had words for it. When I was too afraid of hurting her to do anything about it.
I’m still scared, because I don’t know how to be what she needs. I’m willing to try, but what if she doesn’t want to? She’s always had her plan, but for us to have a chance, she needs to toss that plan to the wind.
The sunrise wakesme just before five. Ava has rolled away from me, so I curl closer to her and wrap my arm around her body. Thewarmth from where our bodies touch pulses through me. Leaving this bed is going to be torture.
Her alarm chirps at five-fifteen. She groans in protest. Reaching out, she silences the alarm, then pulls me closer, wriggling to eliminate any space. My cock gives a little pulse against her thighs, making her grin.
I kiss her shoulder. “Morning.”
“Morning.” She sighs like she’s happy. “Does that rod of steel ever turn off?”
“It’s not recommended. Kinda hard to butter your biscuit without it.”
“You did just fine with your tongue last night.”
A delicious shiver rattles down my core. “Careful, Greely, or I might need to make you late for work.”
She rolls to face me, then caresses down my stomach, lighting up my skin, and grips me with her delicate fingers. “You first.”
I brush her lips with mine, savoring the softness of her mouth and her touch. She breaks from my kiss and shifts lower, kissing her way down my chest. She slips between my thighs and sucks just the tip of me into her heavenly, wet mouth.
“Baby,” I groan.
She takes me deeper, caressing with her fingers while her plush lips stretch around me.
“That’s so good,” I manage. I reach down to comb her hair from where it’s fallen around her face, letting it slip through my fingers.
She gives me a quick glance through her long lashes before lowering down again. I brace off my elbows, surrendering to this woman who seems to have made her mission to test my sanity. The pleasure sharpens, twists.
“C’mon, Greely, you can take more,” I grit out.
She comes off me, shaking her head. “No way.”
“Let’s see you try.” It comes out demanding, but by the way her nostrils flare—like she’s fighting what this little challenge does to her—I’m pretty sure it’s working for her too.
She closes her eyes and glides down.