How long have they been there?
Did the person fall down here just like Badger Thornton, only nobody reported him missing? Or did the person have help?
Once Mr. Thornton is safely in the hands of the extraction team, I hurry to pack up my supplies and start my ascent. Someone either died on this ledge or was left here to die. Both possibilities give me the creeps.
When I finally break through the mine shaft opening, the vivid green of the valley and the warm afternoon breeze against my cold cheek nearly bring me to tears. Down in that hole, everything was dark and cold. Like a tomb.
“A rep from Forest Service is on his way,” Captain Greely says, his hands on his hips, like he’s tired of waiting for me. Below him, the team carrying the litter is slowly descending the rocky slope. “You all right to wait?”
“It’s fine,” I lie, and lower to a flat slab of rock.
He gives me a solemn nod, but pauses an instant longer, like he wants to say something more.
Thankfully, he thinks better of it and turns to catch up with the team. Professor Baby Face is at the front of the litter, one arm extended for balance. When the team reaches the trail, he looks past me to the mine shaft opening, an unreadable expression on his face. As if he senses me watching, he stares me down for a moment before turning away with the team.
What the fuck is his problem?
While I wait, I call Zach.
“Mission accomplished?” he asks.
“Did you hear about the surprise?”
“Uh, no.”
“Someone’s remains were down there too.”
The line buzzes with a long silence. “You okay?”
I take a slow gulp of the fragrant spring air and savor the sun’s warmth. That Zach’s first concern is for my well-being instead of answers regarding my find is another example of why he’s such a high-quality human. “Yeah.”
“You want to grab a beer some night soon?”
“I’d like that,” I say as two men in green Forest Service uniforms start climbing the slope toward me.
My phone chirps with another call. It’s Ava, so I say goodbye to Zach and switch lines.
“Your mom’s okay,” Ava says. “But she’s back in the hospital.”
I stand so fast my head throbs. “Why? What happened?”
“She was having trouble breathing.”
I slide my pack onto my back. “I’m on my way.”
Chapter Fourteen
When I arriveat the hospital, I take the stairs two at a time to the cardiac floor. Ava texted me Mom’s details, so I breeze past the nurse’s station and punch into Mom’s room.
Her eyes go wide, like I’ve startled her. I swallow hard to keep a lid on what I want to say because it’s not her fault. Maybe I’m mad because the truth is starting to become clear—it’s mine. I haven’t been here to look after her. Like today. Like the past ten years.
Fuck! How can I protect the people I love and stay committed to the career I love too?
Ava stands up from the chair next to Mom’s bed and stares me down, like she’s reading my thoughts.
“No rush, Rye,” Mom says with a huff. “They’re going to try a different medication, is all. I’ll be fine.”
Ava leans over Mom and hugs her. “You need anything before I go?”