Page 127 of Love Me Fearless

Luke nods. “I’m by no means making any conclusions yet. It’s too early, and we’re still combing through evidence.”

“But you have enough to keep Jeremy, right?”

“Yeah. First degree kidnapping carries a life sentence. Add in the stalking and mail fraud and he’ll never walk free again.”

The immediate relief allows me draw the first deep breath since Luke stepped out of his car. “That’s really good to hear.”

He eyes the house behind me. “Get back to your party. And congrats. Is it safe to assume you’ll be leaving the Air Force?”

“Yeah, as soon as they’ll let me.”

“Good,” he says with a smile. “They’ve had you long enough. It’s time for you to live your own life.”

I give him a curious glance. “Sounds like you don’t miss it.”

He gives me a good-natured shrug. “A part of me always will, but there are plenty of ways to make a difference, and I love the work I do now.”

Hearing this from Luke, a person I respect and who has walked in my shoes, feels like a life ring. “I’m glad to hear that.”

We share one last hug, then he returns to his car. “I’ll be in touch,” he says, his eyes turning serious again.

With Ava’s stolen letters hugged to my chest, I give him a wave before turning away.

Chapter Thirty-Two


Ava unfastensher seatbelt and bolts from the car the second I park the truck. I rush to catch up, sliding my hand into hers as we race down the sandy pathway to the overlook.

I’ve been tempted to stop here on both of my trips home over the past few months, but I held off because I didn’t want to experience something as incredible as the Grand Canyon without Ava. I also have something special to give her, and the timing was perfect.

Today, the judge presiding over Jeremy’s case will rule on his sentencing. I didn’t want Ava to have to revisit those memories by sticking around Finn River, so we’re kicking off our first-ever trip together with watching the sunrise from the rim’s edge.

A brisk wind rustles through the juniper trees flanking the path. Ava glances back at me, her smile so bright. I memorize the way the early morning light catches the flecks of gold in her soft brown eyes, her gorgeous face framed by the earthy hues of the canyon beyond.

“I’m so excited!” she says, tugging me along.

With each step, the darkness seems to lift, the rising sun warmingthe colors of the rocks from the muted grays to the dense purple, brick red, and soft green.

We round a bend, revealing the first view of the canyon’s depth. A ripple of excitement hums through me. Definitely the best way to spend this day—focusing on us and the moments we get to share and not the past or our mistakes.

I still haven’t forgiven myself for asking Jeremy to look out for Ava because what if he started stalking her because of me? Luke helped me see that Jeremy’s obsession with her started in high school and intensified thanks to his distorted mind, but I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to quit feeling guilty. If I had stayed a better friend to him, would I have seen this coming in time to put a stop to it?

Jeremy never did admit to murdering those other girls, but forensic evidence collected at that rock outcropping tied him to the scene of Marin’s death. It wasn’t enough to convict him, and in the end prosecutors had plenty to work with on the other charges. I’ll feel a lot better once I know he’s behind bars for good.

Another stiff gust whips up from below, bringing the scent of juniper and sun-washed sandstone. The walkway narrows, bordered by ancient steel post fencing, and descends to a point.

Ava shrieks. From behind us, the horizon’s soft red has turned a golden orange. We’re seconds away from the sun breaking over the rim.

The pathway narrows, the steep cliffs on either side falling away to the network of canyons and jagged fins of rock carved into the landscape like a maze. We descend the wide stairs, practically running. Just as we reach the end of the point, a ray of sunshine warms the tips of the rock promontories. I wrap my arms around Ava and hug her to me as more light spills over the rim, washing the walls with vibrant color, filling in the shadows layer by layer.

Ava hugs my arms tighter around her. “It’s so incredibly pretty,” she says, still breathing fast. “Picturesdo notdo it justice.”

I kiss her temple. “Worth getting out of bed early for, that’s for sure.”

She gives me a sly smile. “Especially when you promised to make it up to me later.”

I rock her in my arms as more light washes into the maze of canyons below, the light so pure and warm, like the rocks are glowing from within. “Count on it, Greely.”