Page 125 of Love Me Fearless

Easing onto the mattress so I don’t jostle her, I caress her bare shoulder. Her eyes flutter open and she gives me a sleepy smile.

“Hi,” she says. I love the way she looks at me. Like she can see every part of me, even the secret, broken places, and loves those too.

“Morning.” I comb her long hair from her face and brush my lips to hers in a soft kiss.

“Are you coming back to bed?” A tender need fills her eyes.

“This morning wasn’t enough, hmm? Or last night?”

She smiles. “I’m never going to get enough of you.”

I caress her bottom lip with my thumb, savoring the heat in her gaze.

A knock sounds from the front of the house.

Ava’s face tenses with apprehension. “I’m not expecting anyone.”

“I’ll go see who it is.” I slip from her bed and pull on my jeans and T-shirt, then hurry through the house.

I peer through the blinds. Standing on Ava’s stoop are Kirilee, Sofie, Zach, Sawyer, and Jesse, with Skye on his shoulders. What the heck?

“Surprise!” our friends cheer when I open the door.

“I wanted to come yesterday but Zach made us wait,” Kirilee says, arching an eyebrow. Her coat is unbuttoned from the middle down, exposing her watermelon of a belly.

Sofie jumps into my arms, gripping me like a koala bear. “I’m so freaking happy! But if you ever break her heart, I will kill you.”

Before I can defend myself, she slips past me to call for Ava.

Sawyer wraps me in a manly hug. “We heard the good news.”

Zach is next, shooting me a knowing grin before he pulls me into a tight hug. “Congrats. Proud of you guys.”

I laugh. “Proud of us for what?”

He grips my shoulders, his eyes glassy with emotion. “For taking the risk.”

My mind reels as Jesse hugs me next, slapping me on the back. Skye pokes me in the side. “Why are you crying? I thought getting married is supposed to be happy?”

I lift her up while she squeals in delight. “I am happy.”

Ava joins us, making Sofie and Kirilee shriek.

“We brought donuts and champagne!” someone shouts as the entourage migrates toward the kitchen. I’m about to follow when a vehicle turns down the driveway. It’s the unmarked sedan Luke’s been driving.

I glance at the kitchen, but the party is in full swing. Ava must have texted her friends, and I’m glad they’re here to share the good news. I’m grateful she has them, so when I leave for my final duty, she won’t be alone.

Luke parks the car and steps out, a large envelope in his hands.His sharp eyes connect with mine. A tendril of unease spirals down my spine. Something tells me he’s not here for the party.

“Hey, Luke.” I slip outside.

“Morning.” He gives the extra cars in the driveway a curious glance. “What’s the occasion?”

A bubble of joy rockets through me so fast, making me laugh and feel like crying all at once, but I gulp a breath. “Ava and I got engaged.”

His eyes widen. “No shit?”

I laugh. “Nope.”