The peanut gallery goes wild with catcalls and whistles.
Sofie melts in Zach’s arms. The photographer circles, getting in several shots before Zach finally releases her. Their eyes lock and it’s easy to see how lost they become in each other.
I dab the corners of my eyes.
“Here.” Hutch offers me a cotton hankie from his pocket.
Behind Hutch, the photographer brings in Sofie’s clan and William for a round of family shots, the lowering sun turning the light golden.
“Since when do you carry a handkerchief?” I remember the one I gave Kirilee as a gift the morning of her doomed wedding.
“Mom gave it to me,” Hutch replies with a shrug. “She said girls always cry at weddings.”
I imagine Hutch offering this hankie to some teared-up wedding guest who just happens to be pretty and exactly his type. “Never mind,” I say, and hand the hankie back.
He winks.
That skipping, fluttery hitch in my heart tickles my ribsagain.
“What do I have to do to get on your dance card tonight?” I tease.
He scoffs. “Youaremy dance card.”
“Yeah, until someone else catches your eye.”
“You gettin’ possessive, Greely?” He pumps his eyebrows. “I kinda like it.”
“Ha.” I roll my eyes. “Like you need a bigger ego.” At least he can’t bring anyone back to the cabin tonight.
He wouldn’t do that, would he?
“Yoohoo!” the photographer calls, waving his arms at me and Hutch.
The rest of the wedding party is lined up with Zach and Sofie, all of them staring at us. We hurry over. I squeeze in next to Kirilee while Hutch comes in behind me.
“My eyes are on you, got it?” he says in my ear.
A current of heat rocks through me.
The photographer gives me an impatient quirk of his brow. “You two need a minute?”
Hutch places a hand on my hip, his big hand resting just…so. “We’re good.”
I force in a steadying breath.
Kirilee pinches my butt.
“Hey!” I yelp, which gets everyone laughing.
“Everybody, say queso!” the photographer calls.
“Queso!” we all chime.
We break into smaller groups for more pictures. After, I lose track of Hutch in the trek to the bar. I scan the crowd under the giant shade tent, expecting to find him chatting with a pretty girl or maybe even one of his old flames from high school, but he’s standing with his mom, Louisa, and the Huttons, who are like family to Zach.
My eyes are on you. What did Hutch mean by that? We’ve always teased each other, but this feels different. Maybe it’s just the champagne and the sweet vibes from sharing this beautiful day with our friends.
My tummy flutters.