Page 132 of Love Me Fearless

“It’s okay to be sad,” Sofie says. “Louisa wouldn’t want it to bring you down, though.Not today.”

I dab my eyes one last time and nod. “Exactly. She was so…happy for us.”

“She still is,” Kirilee says, giving the heavens a knowing grin.

A shaky sigh escapes my lips as I fan my face. “Not sure how I’m gonna get through this day without crying every five minutes.”

“It’s your day, you get to feel all the big feelings,” Kirilee says, rubbing my lower back.

I draw in a steadying breath. Though the pain is raw and sharp, so is the joy.

A soft knock on the door breaks us apart. “Thea’s quartet is ready to rock,” Beth says, leaning in, “and guests are—” Her mouth hangs open for an instant and her dark green eyes turn glassy. “Oh my God, Ava, you look so beautiful.”

Fresh tears prick my eyes. “Thank you. You look so pretty too.” I open my arms and she rushes into the room, wrapping me up in a fierce hug. We embrace for a long moment.

“I love you, sis,” Beth whispers in my ear.

“Love you back,” I say, and kiss her softly on the cheek. It’s taken patience and gentle determination to break through her walls, but we’ve grown close since Hutch and I made these plans, and I’m so grateful.

“Ava?” My mom peeks into the room.

“Come in!” Sofie hurries across the cabin.

My mom takes one look at us and snatches a tissue from a nearby box. “Here I was doing so well, but seeing all of you…so grown up and beautiful…”

Sofie hugs my mom. “You’re beautiful too, sweet Mama.”

After a quick hug from Kirilee, Mom draws Beth close, her eyes fluttering closed for an instant, then my bridesmaids bounce from the room.

“See you at the altar!” Sofie calls over her shoulder. Beth shoots me a sassy wink before closing the door behind them.

My mom and I are just finishing touching up my eyemakeup—hopefully our photographer can work some serious magic because my eyes are a lost cause—when Dad knocks on the door.

Flutters tickle up my chest. My mom smiles, her eyes glistening. “Ready?”

I gulp a steadying breath, then take her hand. “Yeah.”

Outside, my big, tough dad, looking dapper in his suit, gives me a proud smile. “So beautiful, Ava girl.” He offers me his arm, but I dive in for a hug instead.

He wraps me in his arms and rocks me. “I’m so proud of you.”

I smile into his shoulder. “For getting married?”

“For being you,” he says, and kissing the top of my head. “For loving and caring for the people in your life the way you do. And for pursuing your dreams and not taking no for an answer.”

“I get that from you, Pops,” I say with a laugh.

“And…for giving me a son,” he adds, his tone turning gruff.

The two of them still butt heads, but as Evergreen Hospital’s newest paramedic, Hutch and my dad have found some common ground, plus Hutch has already made some much-needed improvements to the search and rescue organization, like technical training and streamlined communication with Fish & Wildlife, Finn River Ranch Security, and the sheriff’s department.

Dad kisses my forehead. “Congratulations.”

I take both of their hands and together, we walk down the forest path. Ahead in the clearing, the rows of guests face the simple arch that frames the rocky peaks and spires of the Bitterroots jutting into the blue sky. I savor the crunch of pine needles beneath my shoes, the warm sunshine on my shoulders, and the love that’s surrounding us.

The photographer’s shutter clicks, but I’m focused on the man standing tall and proud beneath the altar, waiting for me.

When I enter the clearing, the guests stand in welcome, but I only have eyes for the man I’ve loved for so long.