I pull her to me for another hug, savoring her kindness and theunshakable friendship we share. “I’m so happy for you, Aves,” she says, her voice turning squeaky.
We both start to cry, which makes us laugh. Kirilee comes in to sandwich me, wrapping her arms around us both. “I always knew this day would come.”
This makes me laugh harder, and it feels so good to not have to hold it in. “Even after Sofie and Zach’s wedding?”
“Especially after that,” Kirilee says. “He was in love with you then, he just didn’t trust it.”
“I was scared of falling for him, but by then, I already had.”
“This is going to be the best day ever!” Sofie says.
“Okay, open your present.” Kirilee steps back, dotting her eyes with a fresh tissue.
I gulp a steadying breath and lower onto the settee, being careful with the thick satin of my dress so it doesn’t wrinkle. Kirilee sets the box on my lap and sits opposite, next to Sofie.
I tug apart the cream-colored bow, then tease open the lid. Inside, nestled on a satin pillow, is a gold bracelet interspersed with heart-shaped peridots, my birthstone.
Fresh tears prick my eyes as I gaze at my friends. “It’s beautiful. Thank you.”
Kirilee claps while Sofie dabs her eyes. “There’s more.”
I try to smile but there’s too much emotion bubbling up inside me. “You guys, really?”
“Really!” they say.
“First, can you help me put this on?” I ask.
Sofie reaches over and slides the bracelet onto my wrist, then fastens the dainty clasp.
“It’s so pretty,” I say, admiring it in the sunlight. The peridot hearts glimmer like emeralds and the gold chain feels feminine and sleek on my wrist.
Kirilee replaces the open box on my lap with a black gift bag adorned with the shiny, gold Luxe & Lush logo.
“Uh oh,” I say with a giggle. “What kind of trouble did you two get into?”
“The fun kind,” Kirilee says with a wink. “Go on.”
I part the tissue to find something silky in the most gorgeous shade of blue. “Oh wow,” I say, lifting the silk negligee by its spaghetti straps. It’s simple and classy and I can’t wait to wear it—though when Hutch sees it, I don’t think I’ll be wearing it for very long. I smile to myself as an eager little fire for our first night together as husband and wife begins to glow inside me.
Beneath the tissue is a new bottle of the salted caramel lube we’ve all come to love.
“Not exactly old, but,” Sofie says, giggling, “an old favorite counts, right?”
“Last one, but it’s actually not from us,” Kirilee says.
I give them a curious glance, and from the look on their faces, I think I know what’s waiting for me in the bottom of the bag.
I reach down and clutch my fingers around the soft, thin cotton, then press it to my nose, hoping for a hint of what I’ll always remember about Louisa. Fresh strawberries and sweet alfalfa, loamy earth and cinnamon.
“I miss her so much,” I say, and press the hankie to my eyes.
It happened on a Sunday last February. Thankfully Hutch was home visiting, and Thea was able to get there in time. Louisa passed peacefully, surrounded by her children and the animals she loved so much.
Sofie draws me gently into a hug. “We miss her too.”
“But you can bet she’s here with us today,” Kirilee says through her tears. “She’ll be sitting there in the front row and dancing with us all night.”
“You’re right.” An image of Louisa tearing up the dance floor in her cowboy boots and a revamped thrift store gown flashes in my mind, making me laugh.