She cups the back of my neck and pulls me close for a kiss.
I draw her into my arms, savoring the way her body always feels so perfect in my embrace, like she was made to be mine. Like we belong together.
“Thank you for turning this day into something beautiful,” she says.
“Being here with you is the greatest gift.” I rest my forehead against hers. “I’ll never take us for granted.”
She kisses me again, her lips lingering for a fraction of a second. “Thank you for filling my life withso much love.”
“You have my heart, Ava Greely.”
She wraps her arms around my neck. “You have mine.”
“I can’t wait to love you forever.”
“You’re loving me right now.”
I laugh. “You better believe it.”
She kisses me softly. “I’m starting to.”
The news comesas Ava is browsing the postcard selection in the cozy little gift shop next to the outdoor café where we’ve enjoyed a late breakfast. I slip away to answer Everett’s call.
“Hey,” I say, keeping my eye on Ava who is now chatting with a mom and her young daughters, her face animated the way it always is around children.
“He got life, no chance at parole,” Everett says.
“Thank fuck,” I say on an exhale that melts the tension from my shoulders.
“Luke’s profiling work was the nail on his coffin.”
Gratitude washes through me. “I’ll be sure to thank him.”
“How are you guys doing? Ava holding up okay?”
“We’re okay, thanks.”
“I’m glad to hear it. Hey, I hear we’re getting a new recruit next month thanks to you.”
“Remember Troy Robinson?”
“No shit? That’s awesome.” Troy and I exchanged some lengthy texts about the military, but I think Zach had already wooed him by then.
“For sure,” Everett says with a laugh. “Speaking of the future, I got your save-the-date card.”
“Can you make it?”
“Already put in the time off.”
“We’d both really love to have you there.”
“Now I just have to findmyself a date.”
There’s an edge to his jovial tone. “Don’t tell me you’re worried?”
“Nah,” he says quickly. “You guys have a good trip. I hope the news from today helps you rest easier.”