A small ring hanging by a thick cord from the ceiling catches the light. I tug on it, and the door releases.
“Ava!” I grip the edge of the door and yank it toward me enoughto get through. Zach barks orders but I’m already in the dim room, racing for the figure struggling to stand.
Please, let her be okay.
Her haunted eyes fill with tears as she reaches for me.
I grab her and squeeze her tight. She’s cold and her whole body is shaking, but she’s alive.
She’s okay.
“Oh my God, Hutch,” she says, her teeth chattering between sobs.
“I’m here, sweetheart. I’ve got you.” I cradle her against me, wrapping her tight.
The chain attached to her ankle gives a dull rattle. I close my eyes and shove back my fury so I can focus on taking care of her. “We’re going to get you out of here.”
Her breaths are coming in tight gasps. “Oh my God. I was so scared.”
Radio chatter and the constant stream of commands fills the space.
“I thought…I thought I was going to die down here.” She chokes back a sob.
I stroke down her hair and press my lips to the top of her head. “Just hang on, baby. I’m here. It’s going to be okay.”
Luke dives for the floor near Ava’s feet, making her cry out.
“Easy now,” Luke says in a steady tone. “I’m gonna unlock this.”
“Okay.” Her garbled tone is like a spike to my chest. How could Jeremy do something so terrifying?
After a clatter of keys, Ava sucks in a gasp.
“You’re free.” Luke yanks the chain into the darkness.
I lift Ava into my arms and hurry toward the doorway now flooded with light. “I’ve got you, sweetheart. You’re safe.”
Chapter Thirty
At the police station,everything is loud and bright and busy. Waiting for me in the lobby is Sofie, Kirilee, and Sawyer, plus Sepp, my parents, Rowdy, and Louisa, which feels amazing but also reminds me of those photographs covering the walls of Jeremy’s basement. The ones meant to keep me company for as long as he meant to imprison me.
All this time, it’s been Jeremy?
I hug each of my friends tight, but it’s when my dad scoops me up, cradling me like when I was small, that I break down.
Next, my mom folds me in her arms, and we cry together. I’m safe, but the terror of being trapped in that basement is still active, chewing me up from the inside.
Thankfully, Everett and Luke’s interviews are brief. Hutch sits with me as I answer their questions, holding my hand.
After they release us, Hutch drives me home, the streets dark, with me snuggled tight against him on the seat. When the truck’s headlights wash over the front of my house, my chest feels lighter and fresh tears prick my eyes.
Home. Finally.
Hutch turns off the engine and plants a soft kiss on my temple before jumping down and crossing to my side.
When he opens the door, I slip my hand in his. He moves to lift me up, but I gently push him back. “Let me walk, please, Hutch.”