That’s a start, though it doesn’t get us any closer to the core of the problem. It does, however, sound better than doing nothing or, worse, letting Elise run off to fend for herself. I meant what I said.

Despite the lies and the secrets, I love her. I want her to stay.

And so do my brothers-in-arms.



Things have changed between us. The intimacy is gone. I slept alone. So did James and Oliver. The separation was difficult, but Elise’s confession struck a chord.

I had to quickly let go of last night’s anger and sense of betrayal in order to move forward but the tension remains just beneath the surface.

The girls are with me in the kitchen when Elise comes downstairs for breakfast.

“Morning,” she says, her voice barely a whisper.

It breaks me to see her like this. She’s dressed in pajama shorts and a t-shirt. Her blonde hair is pulled back in a loose bun, her eyes look sad and puffy. She cried all night, that much is obvious.

“Good morning,” I reply with a weak smile, trying to keep up appearances for the girls. Tricia and Ainsley are way too young to understand what’s going on, and I intend to shield them from whatever comes our way. “Do you want some coffee?”

“No, thank you, I’ll make some tea,” she says, lighting up as the girls greet her.

“Morning, Ellie!” Tricia says brightly.

“Morning, sunshine!” Ainsley chimes in.

“My, oh, my, don’t you two look beautiful at this early hour,” Elise replies. “And in matching overalls, too.”

Tricia brings a spoonful of milk and cereal to her mouth. “Daddy says we’re staying home today, no kindergarten.”

“So, we’re gonna do some finger painting!” Ainsley exclaims.

“Hence the overalls. I get it. Makes sense,” Elise chuckles and turns to look at me. “You don’t want them going to school today?”

I shake my head. “I figured they could use a day off after all the fun and sugar of last night.”

“It’s because of me, isn’t it?” she steps closer, lowering her voice.

“I just thought they’d be safer here until we know where Igor is. I’ve got some agents coming in from Boulder. Once they’re all stationed where they’re supposed to be, everything will go back to normal.” Our backs are to the girls as we continue the conversation in hushed tones.

“I’m so sorry for all of this.”

“I told you, Elise. We’re going to come up with a plan, and we’re going to handle it. In the meantime, I’d really appreciate it if you could take a day off and stay here with the girls,” I calmly reply. “You’ll be reimbursed for the time you spend with them.”

She exhales sharply, waiting for the electric kettle. “Reimbursed. Good to know it’s turned into a business transaction.”

“That’s not what I meant.” I move closer but she pulls away, barely able to look me in the eyes. “Elise. It’s not what I meant.”

“It’s fine,” she says, forcing herself to smile. “I trust you. Whatever you decide, I’ll follow your lead, James.”

“Ellie, you look sad,” Ainsley picks up on my mood, ever the observant spirit.

“I’m okay, honey, just tired,” Elise replies. “Finish your breakfast so we can go into the living room to paint.”

Tricia’s eyes light up with excitement. “You’re painting with us?”

“Yeah, turns out I’m taking the day off, too.”