Even with my well-trained thief’s eye, I cannot tell what is legit or what might be stolen. My gut says it’s legit because it would be too risky to leave it out in the open like this, even with a guard manning the door above. Besides, people who are sociopathic enough to steal risky high-end items do it because they are addicted to possessing such rare items. The goods are usually so revered they are hidden away and only taken out to relish in private. I’m betting he has a hidden room or vault somewhere to protect his illegal collectibles.

Mercier moves through the area slowly, his gaze traveling over several of the pieces he has on display. It’s clear he has a genuine love—probably more like a sick obsession—with all of this stuff. However, I’m just as sure part of his love is not only for the beauty, but also for merely owning something most cannot.

Mercier moves to a pair of double wooden doors with ornate carvings, then opens them. Inside is a huge office with dark paneled walls, heavy masculine furniture, and heavy velvet drapes that cover the windows.

William sits in a guest chair, and he stands as we enter. He’s not dressed in formal attire like the rest of us, which says he wasn’t invited to the party upstairs. Then again, I’m thinking we’re not here for the party either, but for an important meeting to find out our next quest.

Mercier motions us into chairs as he settles behind his desk. Once we’re all sitting, he leans forward and clasps his hands on the desktop. His gaze flicks between us before he gives a cordial smile.

“I’m ready to discuss the next job I have for you two,” he says, and my heart sinks a little. If he’s planning one of the greatest heists of all time, it’s going to take more than just Saint and me to pull it off. I don’t want to do another “job”. I’m ready to take this arsehole down so I can get on with my life.

Apparently, Saint is thinking along the same lines because he says, “No offense, Julian… but I’m tired of working ‘jobs’ for you. I wanted on your team because I thought you had the capability to pull off something big.”

I’m slightly shocked by Saint calling Mercier out like that, especially since we’d watched him kill Neal in cold blood. But admittedly, it’s smart. We need some indication of when this might be over, and this is Saint’s way of digging for information.

Mercier guffaws at his brashness. “Mr. Bellinger, I think you will find the job I’m getting ready to propose will more than satisfy your requirements of ‘bigger and more exciting’.”

I can’t help but sit up a little straighter at this proclamation. Could this be what we’ve been waiting for? Is this what the insurance consortium got wind of and hopes to take Mercier down with?

Silence hangs in the air, increasing the dramatic effect of what Mercier is about to reveal. He clears his throat before saying, “The job I have for you two, if successful, will most likely go down as the greatest and most lucrative heist of all time.”

“And you want just Saint and me to do it?” I have to ask. “Because if we’re doing something big, I envisioned a large crew.”

“In my opinion,” Mercier drawls with a flourish of his hand. “Involving too many people is dangerous. Chances of leaks or getting caught increase. Besides, I believe you two—along with the strategy William has devised—have all the skills necessary to pull this off.”

Again, Mercier goes silent, as if he’s building up major expectations. Saint and I wait him out, refusing to play that game.

Looking over to William, Mercier gives a slight nod.

Rising, William picks up a remote control and aims it at the wall to our right. A soft whirring noise emits from the ceiling, then a screen starts to slowly lower. Another tap of the remote lights up the screen to reveal the picture of a building.

I recognize it immediately. “You want us to rob the Diamond Warehouse?”

I’m not sure how much Saint knows about Paris’ jewelry district, but the Diamond Warehouse is famed for the diamonds and other jewels it contains. It’s never once crossed my radar as an attainable goal because with that much wealth congregated in such a small area, the security has to be unbreachable. In my opinion, at least.

“I believe it is doable,” Mercier says.

I study the picture on the screen. The warehouse holds a massive walk-in vault for people to store their valuables. While it isn’t limited to diamonds or other jewels, my understanding is probably ninety percent of the contents are such. There are also offices within the building for diamond resellers and wholesalers, as well as private jewelers. It’s like a “bank” for jewels with office space.