“I seem to recall you helping me rescue Barrett. We’re even, brother.”

We pull apart, and Cruce smiles. “Stay safe and good luck.”

I nod and pivot on my heel, heading down the alley to where he indicated he’d parked the Peugeot. Now that Sin is safe, I’m ready to finish with Mercier.

I find the car exactly where Cruce said it would be. In the shadows of the alley, I open the trunk and grin at Cruce’s ingenuity. I put on the vest and jacket he provided before once again checking to make sure the red light still emanates from the reverse jammer.

If Mercier does as I suspect, he’s going to try to utilize a jammer of his own on the bags to disable any GPS chips left behind in case I “missed” something. Due to Bebe’s ingenuity, that will activate my reverse jammer and start the GPS signal again, as well as protect it from further jamming. There will be no way to stop the police from finding him short of him discovering the chip left on the ruby necklace and destroying it.

That’s where luck will play in. I have to assume it will take him a bit of time to check all the jewels by hand.

The drive to Seine-et-Marne seems to take forever, even though I’m not necessarily eager for this confrontation. It could end badly for me, but it has to be done. It’s my job… my mission.

While Malik went missing, and Jimmy and Sal gave their lives, in service to Jameson, I have my own contribution to make to this company by facing my own brand of danger right now.

When I make it to Mercier’s chateau, I’m surprised to find it lit up as if he’s having a huge party, yet it appears deserted at the same time. The pebbled circular driveway crunches under the Peugeot’s tires. I take a settling breath as I bring the car to a stop and cut the ignition.

The front door opens as I exit the car, and a uniformed butler awaits. I grab the nylon bags, both filled to bursting with diamonds, and stroll confidently up the massive stone steps.

“Good evening, Monsieur,” the butler says. It’s telling he doesn’t know my name. It means I am not an important guest to Mercier. “If you’ll follow me, Monsieur Mercier is waiting for you in his office.”

The same guard from the party waits by the door to the basement. He stares blankly, opening the door and motioning me down. He does not follow, and neither does the butler.

I have no clue if a bullet is waiting for me as soon as I enter Mercier’s office, but I have to think his sense of caution is going to want a rundown of how the job played out so he can make sure there are no other key witnesses he needs to worry about. Still, my hand slips into my pocket to briefly curl around the metal trigger I’d slipped in there.

Mercier’s office doors are open. I walk in to find him behind his desk, reviewing some papers. He smiles broadly when I enter, rising from his chair and spreading his arms. “Aaaahhh…. The heroes have arrived.”

But then he frowns, looking behind me expectantly. “And where is Sin?”

“On her way to London,” I answer curtly. “We’ve decided to part ways.”

“I expected she would come here with you to get her payout,” he replies, his tone icy. He’s displeased over the fact we’re not making it easy for him to take us out.

I shrug carelessly. “I assume she’ll get up with you for her cut sooner rather than later. You’re good for it, right?”

“Of course, I am,” he snaps, then motions for the bags.

I let them slide off my shoulders onto his desk. He opens the first one and paws through the sparklers, giving me a brief glance before doing the same to the second.

“And you removed all the GPS chips?” he inquires, pulling out a large diamond-and-sapphire necklace to inspect.

“As instructed,” I confirm. “Left the pile behind as you told me to.”

Mercier casts me a doubtful look before reaching into his desk drawer and pulling out a black box. As I suspected, he’s not taking any chances.

He flips a switch, waves it slowly over the bags, and watches it with the eyes of a hawk. I hold my breath, praying Bebe’s as good as everyone claims. If she did her job right, the minute Mercier employed his jammer, hers activated the GPS in a protected, secretive fashion so it’s now emitting a signal for the police to find. It’s doubtful the robbery’s been discovered yet. The guards should still be out for a few hours, and the building doesn’t open any time soon. Still, as long as Mercier feels secure, he’s probably going to do nothing more than play with all his new diamonds today since he won’t feel any need to flee.