I follow Kynan out onto the sidewalk. It’s the first week of June—not quite summer—and the evening temperatures are amazing. It can’t be more than sixty degrees out, which is a pleasant change to the body heat inside the bar.

The streets aren’t crowded, so Kynan moves a few feet down from the doorway, turning to face me before leaning against the building. “Had an interesting call tonight. Jack Powers of Allied Insurance Services.”

This piques my interest. “Specializes in insuring famous artworks.”

“He called on behalf of several insurers. Seems there’s been a rash of high-end hits over the past two years. They’re pooling their resources to try to bring this ring down.”

“What makes them think it’s an organized ring?” I ask. Most jobs are independently done on a small scale.

“There are some patterns,” Kynan says with a shrug. “Rare techniques being used.”

This makes sense. A lot of thieves have distinct calling cards. Enhanced skills they’ve become known for.

My specific forte was in advanced technology tactics to bypass digital security systems. Others are great at hot-wiring expensive collector cars.

“He wants to hire us to infiltrate a well-known crew operating out of Europe. They suspect this crew is putting together a huge heist—that these prior hits were practice for a much larger payday.”

“You don’t just infiltrate a heist ring,” I say blandly. “You have to have connections.”

“The name William Mears mean anything to you?” Kynan asks.

I blink in surprise. “Yeah. British. Did some jobs with him. He’s one of the best.”

“Well, he’s apparently the suspected crew leader. Working out of Paris.”

I have to think for a moment, but it only takes half that time for a chill to shoot up my spine. “Wait a minute… does Powers know I work for you? What makes him think you have anyone here at Jameson who could have a leg in with this ring?”

Kynan nods. “They’ve apparently had eyes on you since you got out of prison. They knew you worked here.”

Jesus… insurers of precious artworks and jewelry have watched me since I got out of prison? I never thought they’d go so far as to protect their assets in that way.

I’m flattered—at least a little.

But then another thought strikes. “If the insurance industry has kept tabs on me, what makes you think the bad guys haven’t done the same? It’s entirely possible Mears knows I work for you.”

Kynan shrugs. “Maybe. Maybe not. But I suspect if you went to him, asked to get on his crew, and he declines, then he probably knows you work for me.”

“They kill people for less than that,” I say pointedly.

“Which is why it’s up to you if you want to take this job,” Kynan says. “I told Jack I’d lay it out to you, but it was your decision since you’d be going in alone with no backup and you’d be putting your neck on the line. They want to know who the mastermind is and how they bankroll the operation. I don’t imagine they care about Mears. They want the guy who hired him and his crew, and they want to know what’s coming down the pike. Bottom line is to put them out of business.”


I have no love lost for the people who are still in the business of stealing pricey stuff, but I have nothing against them either. Live and let live is my motto.

But it could also be an important job for Jameson. I don’t have the skills Malik and Jimmy have. I’m not going to run off to a Middle Eastern country to save hostages.

This is my chance to be useful to the man who hired me straight out of prison.

“When would I leave?” I ask.

“Tomorrow,” he says. “They’re anxious for you to start.”

“I need all the up-to-date information on Mears,” I say. “What he’s been doing the last few years and such.”

He’s going to be my in, so I have to know what he’s been up to. I need him to want me on his crew.

Kynan pushes away from the building. “I’ll have the information by morning. And Bebe will have a new alias for you to travel under. She’s working on the documents now.”

I nod. “I’ll make arrangements to fly out tomorrow.”

Smiling, Kynan sticks his hand out. “Good luck.”

“Thanks,” I reply, feeling surprisingly good about this job. I fucking love Paris. It’s one of my favorite cities in the world. I’ve spent a bit of time there over the years. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, there’s a lady inside who many of your employees don’t think I have a snowball’s chance in hell with. I need to go prove them wrong.”

Tipping his head back, Kynan lets out a deep laugh before motioning toward the door. “By all means… go do your thing.”CHAPTER 2SinI’d like to visit Havana to take in the culture and history.