Thishas never been for show, despite how it came about.Athought that crosses my mind constantly.
Iwouldn’t be surprised ifJennaor her friends were here, but luckily the fair is popular enough to attract almost three thousand visitors, soI’mhoping we don’t bump into them.Here’sto praying the odds are on our side.
AsQuinnslips her hand into mine,Idon’t want anything ruining this moment.
She’sovercome a lot, and never complains about the challenges she’s faced.Sheruns at them head-on, accepts the cards she’s been dealt, and looks to shuffle a new hand.Startinga new business is tough, and a lot of the time, it ends in failure.Evenbusinesses that have been around for twenty-plus years run into problems—OurPlaceis proof of that.
Todayis her day though.AndI’mthe luckiest guy alive to witness her conquer it.
Irevel in the feel of her hand in mine and ask, “Whatdo you want to do?”
Shedraws a dozen sets of eyes our way with her squeal andthen reveals the long list of things she wants to get done before the fair closes.
Wetick every item off as we amble around the fair for the rest of the afternoon.Everywhereyou look screams small-town charm, with a punch in the face of pumpkin spice.Inthree hours, we help pick the winner of the scarecrow-making contest, decorate our own candy apples, go pumpkin bowling, taste chili, and hop on the tractor ride.
Now, we’re standing in a pen surrounded by baby goats.
“Knockit off,”Ihiss and shake a black-and-white kid off the pant leg he keeps chewing on.
“Aww, he’s just hungry.Hereyou go, cutie.”Quinnholds out a handful of pellets and strokes its wiry coat.Shelooks up at the large man handing out feed to the horde of children petting the animals. “Dex, what made you get goats?”
“Ihate mowing grass andIhave about one hundred and fifty acres around my property.Theseguys do it for free and don’t pump fumes into the atmosphere.”
Atug at my leg and an obnoxious bleat has me glaring down again. “Goto her.Notme.”
“IgnoreVincent.He’sa prick.”Dexlaughs with an eye roll.
Shecackles with laughter, falling backward in the hay, and the baby goats swarm her.Theridiculous name even has me smiling.Icheck the time on my watch and see we have an hour before the corn maze closes.
“Hey, you, ready to get lost in a maze?”Grabbingher hand,Ipull her to stand, and help her brush the dirt from her coat and dress.
Wesay goodbye toDexand head over to the last stop on our itinerary.
She’shad the same dreamy look on her face all day and it morphs into a friendly smile when she spotsMr.Willismanning the entrance to the corn maze.
“Hey,Martin.”Ishake his hand and pass him ten bucks for our entry.Hegives me a curt nod and greetsQuinnwith a warm smile.He’snothing like the surly manIgrew up knowing, and he clearly has a soft spot for her.
“Youtwo enjoy yourselves,” he calls after us as we enter.
It’spretty chilly now, with a glint of golden sun peeking out over the horizon, giving us just enough light to navigate our way around.We’reboth wrapped up in coats and scarves, but despite the cold bite in the air,Quinnis dressed in a deep, red tartan dress, sans tights, and a pair of knee-high black boots.Thatcreamy sliver of skin has been driving me crazy for hours.Onelook at her thighs has me wanting to bite up the length of them untilIfind that sweet haven between her legs again.
“Helloooo!”Ahand waves in front of my face andIshake myself out of my thoughts to find her peering up at me. “EarthtoGraham.Areyou still with me?”
“Uhh, sorry, did you say something?”Iwiden my stance, hoping to ease the pressure of my hard-on pushing into my zipper.
“Iasked which way.Youwere pretty deep in your thoughts there, care to share with the class?” she teases and pokes me in the ribs, causing me to jolt backward with a very unmasculine noise.
“Quinn, cut it,”Iwarn, but my glare does nothing to deter the little minx, and she jabs me in the side again and cackles loudly at my discomfort.
“Ilove that you’re ticklish.Listento you giggle.Ohmy god, where is my phone?”Tearsshine in her eyes she’s laughing so hard, and even when she fumbles around in her purse, she continues to chase me while shouting, “I’vefound your weakness!”