Alight tap on the door has me slipping down until the water hits my chin. “Comein.”
Thedoor creaks open andIsnort a laugh whenGrahampeeks in with his eyes clamped closed.Asif he didn’t spread me out last night and devour me untilIwas boneless.
Cute, silly man.
“How’sit going?” he asks.
“Ifeel like a new woman.”
Hecreeps around the door frame, using his hands to fumble his way into the room.
“Youcan look, you know.”Ichuckle.
“Idon’t know if that’s a good idea.”
“Whynot?”Iskim my hands across the rose petals floating on the surface of the water.
“Tonightisn’t the night.”Hisjaw is set tight.
“Forme to lose control and take you likeIwant to.”
Myheart skips and thighs clench from the sudden wave of pleasure.
Maybehe does want to lose a little control, because he cracks an eye open.Whenhe sees me submerged in the tub, both eyes open to brazenly take me in.Hetracks me from head to toe, and even in the dim lightIsee his pupils swallow the green of his irises.
Imight be in a bath full of water, butIknow for a factI’mwet.
“Takingme like you want to is exactly what the doctor ordered.Ineed the distraction.”Ibaulk the moment those last four words leave my mouth, andIdon’t miss the frown lining his face before he has a chance to hide it. “That’snot whatIme?—”
It’snot fine, because it’s not whatImeant.Beingwith him would be a distraction, but that’s not whyIwant it.
Helowers himself to the floor, his back to the side of the tub, and tactfully changes the subject. “It’sbeen a long day, butImeant whatIsaid back at my mom’s.RobinRoadis going to be deserted; everyone will be at the fair, so you might as well close for the day.I’mgoing to helpPatset up, butI’llmeet you there.”
“Likea date?”
“Umm, yeah.Youknow we haven’t done much in the ways of hanging out in public.”
Ouch.Adate for appearances.Though,Ican’t act bitter until we talk, andIget these roiling feelings out in the open.
“Oh, of course,”Isay, hoping to mask the edge to my tone.
Henods his head, and thoughIcan’t see his face, the slump in his shoulders gives away his tiredness.Iwanted to talk tonight, about what’s going on between us, but after my mom’s phone call,I’mdrained of energy.
Hisarm rests along the edge of the tub, palm open in invitation, andIslip my wet hand into his. “Thankyou for coming to my mom’s tonight.Shereally likes you andIthink it’s stopped her worrying thatI’mgoing to die alone.”
He’sjoking, butIhear what he’s not saying.Eventhough it isn’t real.Ifnow were the right time andIwasn’t so burnt out,I’dtell him we can call it quits on the whole thing.Jennacan go to hell, but if he still wants to show his face at the wedding,I’llbe by his side proudly.I’mso eager to rip this stupid label off and replace it with something else.
Whatwe call it is up to us.
“Thankyou for looking after me this evening.I’msorry it ended how it did.Shehasn’t called in so long, andIwasn’t paying attention when the call came through.Itreally took me by surprise.”
“Pleasedon’t apologize for that.Younever have to be sorry for being upset around me.ThoughIcan’t say it doesn’t kill me to see you like that.”Hegives me a side glance. “Youwere madeto shine only, just as you are now.Theworld isn’t right when you’re sad, honey.It’slike an eclipse.Andyou’re the sun.”
Istudy his side profile, soaking up the warmth of his touch and words. “Sometimesit feels likeIshine the brightest with you.”