Page 59 of Just One Moment

“It’snot that.Iwant to, but…no one has ever, you know…”

“Ever?” he asks, and his concern morphs into something territorial whenIshake my head. “Ilove being the one to experience firsts with you.”

Thisman will be the death of me, but at leastI’llbe going out satisfied.

Itake comfort in the slight tremble of his hands, because despite the confidence he’s showing, he’s just as nervous asIam.

“Iwant you to be the first.”

“ThenIdon’t want to waste another second to taste whatIalready know is going to be the sweetest fucking pussy.”

“Ohmy god,”Ibreathe.

Oureyes widen at the same time.Hisfilthy words have shocked the hell out of me.Noone has ever spoken to me like that.Helooks just as surprised at the outburst as me, butI’mmore surprised thatI…like it.Alot.

Maybeit’s becauseI’mnothing but comfortable withGraham, but the thrill of it sends a jolt of pleasure between my legs, whereIfeel my arousal growing.

“Fuck, sorry.That…Idon’t know where that came from,” he groans and drops his forehead to my knee and sighs. “DidImake it weird?”

Anervous laugh slips free, and with a soft grip on his hair,Iencourage him to look at me. “Farfrom it.”Ibit my lip to hide my grin. “Theregoes another first though.”

“What’sthat?” he asks, eyes bouncing between mine.

“Ithink you helped me realizeIreallylike dirty talk in the bedroom.”Myentire body flames at that confession. “Didyou like saying it?”

Thehand on my thigh flexes and a puff of air coasts across my pebbled skin. “I’venever done it before.Butyeah,Iliked it.Ilike it even more knowing you do.”Heleans forward until his lips brush against the shell of my ear. “Wouldyou like to hear about the filthy thingsIwant to do to you?”

Despitethe heat radiating from our bodies,Ishiver from his touch and words. “Ireally do.”

“Andyou’ll tell me ifItake it too far?”


Pullingaway, he removes his glasses and presses them into my hand. “Thenhold these for me, honey.Idon’t want them to get messy while your beautiful thighs are spread out just for me.”

Ihave died.Deceased.

Thisman is an enigma.

AmysteryIwant to solve, yetIequally love the surprises he keeps hitting me with.Hesaid he’s never talked like this before, either, which meansJennanever saw this side of him.Good.Becauseshe’s in no way deserving of the man in front of me.Orany version of him.

Thejealous thoughts disappear the secondIfeelGraham’slips skim across my flesh.

AllIcan do is grip the bedsheets and watch as he works higher, widening my legs further to fit his broad shoulders in between them.Hispace is torturous as he inches toward my waiting center.Iwant to scream in frustration for every second that passes.

OnlyI’mstunned silent when he licks a path up my leg until he meets the juncture between my thigh and pussy.Ashe inhales deeply, a starved, low moan escapes him.


“Ithought you didn’t like sweet things?”Isay between short breaths.

Ourgazes meet, and my god, the sight of him on his knees like this, eyes glassy with lust, is somethingIdon’t ever want to forget.

“Ilied,” he growls and then, he’s there, finding my soaking entrance with the flat of his tongue, swirling it languidly.

Mycry is quickly muffled by the handIslap over my mouth, biting down on the skin to hide my moans.Thisnew sensation has intense pleasure rolling through me with every swipe of his tongue.I’mnot even mad this is the first time someone’s gone down on me, becauseI’mcertain no one could do it quite like he can.

Witha strong grip on my calves, he plants my feet on the mattress and spreads me wider.Mytoes curl into the comforter, andIcollapse, my back arching off the bed when he pushes his face into my pussy; slow strokes are now replaced with fervent laps of my clit.Itense and melt with each lick.Theevidence of what he’s doing to me pooling beneath me.